Monday 29 April 2013

Poem: Serial Killer started

"How many people did you kill today."

I go back thru me day, that accident, I nearly had this morning, made that stupid woman think she was to blame. hehehe. 
Quiet day otherwise.

That woman, the other party drove off, upset that I yelled at her, just like her husband did this morning, just like her boss would because she was late....later delivering a package, tears in her eye's, she swerved to miss a dog, but not far enough, thump front of a truck... died on impact.....

"Blackie, Blackie. oh god not Blackie" A teenager picks up the limp dog, Fucken bitch, killed my dog...

Well don't bring that thing in here, it's got blood on it, go throw it in the my carpet.....the teenager picks up a gun, fucken woman, I hate them...heading to the lounge, where his mother is watching TV..... Her First... 

I'm going to be late, nasty accident that one, poor dog...but I can't stop, the kids will be home soon, and I won't be there..
At home, little Angela picks up a fork, and tries to dig the burnt bread out of the toaster.... ..... 

Mum comes in, hmm there's no power, I payed the bill......Angela, are you, my little
hell, we are busy tonight, dispatch a unit 7453 go to a child electrucuted. 

I'll send 7236, to old Mr Patterson instead. Stan Patterson, clutched his chest, and slumped..his last thought....where are they...

The old lady,sitting in her cold, dark apartment, watching the TV news, a tear slides down her face, I've had enough, she thinks, as her crippled hands reaches for the bottle of pill's.....
It's only 7.30 pm.
