Friday 8 November 2013

Life is like that (book 1)

She looked up at the winning lottery numbers, while standing in the local dairy, they look like my numbers she thought. Not really thinking she had won, but checking her purse, she didn't have her ticket, so just thought she must remember to check it, online later. She let the fantasy of “winning the lottery” stay playing in her mind.

Oh how it would change things, how wonderful it would be. Musings floated through her head, a picture of herself, walking without pain, walking into her home, that was clean and tidy, and seeing her new paid companion smiling and laughing, the fantasy came to an abrupt end, as she tripped, although she didn't fall, often falling is a better option than not, because the way you move so quickly, and all your weight suddenly stops can do far more damage to your body. This was one of those times, that saving herself from falling, had cause pain to spring from what seemed like every muscle of her body.

God dammit, what an idiot you are old woman, she thought, you know, better than to stopping yourself from falling like that, that was a nasty trip, and the pain will be horrendous. At that same moment, she realised, she hadn't brought her mobility scooter, so she would have to walk home, it really wasn't far, she could see the tall tree in the corner of the section where she lived, it was only just over 100 meters away, but hell it seemed like it was miles now, and lets face it, getting to these local shops and home again was all she could do on a good pain day... oh Crap, you fool, how that hell will I get home, she thought, leaning up against a concrete wall of the fish and chip shop.

It was getting dark, and the cold of night was starting to be noticeable, that cool of the evening, seeped into her back, increased her pain to a new level.

That pain alone, added to her usual pain was too much, but added to, not falling pain, oh shit, oh hell, she was beginning to panic, what could she do, she looked around, not seeing anyone. Hell who was she kidding, she wouldn't ask for help, and chances are no-one would offer help, then she would only get more upset, when no one offered help,

Lilly, you just have to get home face it, even if she did have a cellphone, she have no-one to ring, and she know how those ambulance drivers were so mean to her. No, she had to get home, and tend to herself.
Not one friend, and family she had nothing to do with for 13 or 14 years now, her life was just waking in morning, turning the kettle on, as she passed the kitchen to the bathroom to pee, getting a hot drink, and making a hot water bottle then sitting in front of the computer, apart from that same trip to the toilet and getting a new cup of tea, and heating the hot water bottle, for her back, that was her day.

She got to the alleyway, one side had a corrugated iron wall on one side, a concret block wall on the other, she leaned against the concrete bloke wall, just her bum touching the wall, the cold from the wall, would in to too much, so leaning forward hands on her thighs, she felt tears sting her eyes, quickly well in her eyes, and slip down her face.

She couldn't be bothered to wipe them away, she was only 30 yards closer to her destination. She could barely breath, that pain, that the night air caused, always meant she could barely breath.

So what the hell, was she going to do, still 70 or so yards from home, no fences or building to rest against between here and there, oh, the power poles were on the other side of the road. 665

Wheely bins, there were 2 wheely bins between where she had to be, and she was now, that would help. So she started slowly ever so slowly moving, focused on the 1st bin, limp in her left leg, and stabbing pain in the right ankle, from the almost fall, aching mod back, with griping vice like chest pain, barely able to inhale, the normal pain neck and shoulder, as well as in lower back, hip.

Yeah right, she thinks as she remembers that comment about only feeling pain in one place at one.

One short step after another, stopping every 3 or 4 steps, then every 2 or 3 steps, pain now in both ankles, tears steaming down her face, another step, another step. Migraine was starting, dammit how many types of pain could she have... the 1st bin slowly getting closer, it was impossible to think about anything, except getting there.

It seemed like an hour, but was about 10 mins she guessed, she got to the 1st bin, she leaned across the top of the bin, trying to take the weight off the various joints up her body, that last step, felt like every joint was swollen, inflamed with pain. She knew there was no way she could walk between this bin and the next. Leaning forward on her elbows, she hung her head, and cried. No one was around, holding in the hopelessness of her situation was just causing more pain, crying wasn't particularly helping either, her body shaking with tears, it didn't matter, nothing mattered, crying was hurting too much, so she stopped.

All the years she had planned to end her life, when the pain got to bad, every situation she had thought of, how bad the pain was, what and how she would do it, never did she consider being stuck, on the footpath, leaning over a bin of rubbish, knowing she couldn't go forward, what would she have to do, just wait, and hope someone would drive along the street, … I must look like an old drunk, if a car was to come along, me learning like this, or waling like I am, I would probably look like a drunk, if I was to fall in the ground, again I would just look like a drunk, , I'm screwed she thought. I'm screwed until morning.

It was very dark and the cold night air, was biting into her back, she could barely take take anymore of a breath than a small sniff of breath. She tried to concentrate on her breathing, about how much of a breath was she taking, half a cup, no much less than that, about the area of an egg, smaller than that, maybe the size of an ice cube.

The odd thing about this particular pain, the cold night air /unable to take a normal breathe/crushing pain, was that often if I could just stretch that area between my shoulder blades, and down a couple of inches, if she could just stretch it in the right way, and her spine would click, that particular pain would ease. Trouble was, often trying to get her back to stretch it could not work, but instead pull the muscles, which could make the pain worse.

Making herself stand up, the rubbish bin moved a little, she had assumed it was full, but looking at it, it was the recycling bin, the bin that was much than it would be if it was full, instantly she though, I wonder if I could use the bin like a walking frame. Move it forward a few inches, take a step, forward take a step. Then every time I need to I can use it to rest against.
It worked, she hobbled off towards home, it was slow progress, but it was progress, since she couldn't take a decent breath, she had to rest often, after another 15 metres, her muscles were screaming with pain, feeling like they were going to cramp, she guessed because of lack of oxygen.

But she was almost to the next bin, and about 25 or 30 meters from the door of her house, back to safely. She didn't care about her physical safety, hell, she often fantasied about being murdered, how guest would that be, only pain for a few hours, then never anymore pain, no more anything, being murdered would be a bonus, a blessing, but chances are, it would never happen to her.

She eventually got home, the rubbish bin would just have to stay beside her back door, inside she made a hot-water bottle for her back, a cup of tea, and sat down at her computer, hot water-bottle between her shoulder blades, she dropped 5 paindullers, there is no way, they kill the pain, dull it was all it did. But if she overdosed just this much it seemed to do the trick, it wouldn't be good for her liver, but what the hell. 
She opened Facebook, and started to scroll down her wall,

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Like comment, ROLF
miss that post, and that one
Like comment, ROLF 
she thought, yeah right, I leave a comment that I'm rolling on the floor laughing, and here i am crying... 
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read a blog post about pain,
read a newspaper report about health

Private message:
Janice Sayer: Hey Lilly, I was starting to worry about you, been hours since you've been on facebook.
Lilly Alembe: Hi Janice, I went to the shop, and had a rest after I got back.
Janice Sayer: Yeah, you were talking to me before you went to the shop, you said you'd be back in 20 minutes....
Lilly Alembe: Oh, sorry Janice, I totally forgot to let you know.
Janice Sayer: No worries, I have to go to work now, have a good night, if you have slept when I get home my night, I'll chat.
Lilly Alembe: Ok, see yah. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

Like comment ROLF, Share
Miss that post,
Like comment, LOL
Like comment, LMBO

Open Candy Crush, level 35, Clear all jelly, and 130,000 points.

repeat above a couple of times.. 40 minutes or so later, 

She realises pain has subsided, not gone, it was never gone, but she would be able to take care of her normal day to day exsistance.
She didn't believe she had a life, it was just staying alive, because her body wouldn't die.
She though about lieing to Janice. She often lied to people on facebook, would be typing LOL or LMAO while she was actually crying, saying she was fine, when she was stuck in her chair, unable to move, having to pee her pants, posting she had just had a lovely hot shower, when truth was, she had turned the hot water off 6 weeks ago, to save power, she usually couldn't shower herself anymore now anyway. But it wasn't anything, people she would never meet, have to know what her life is really like.

the wonderful thing about facebook is, it's a fantasy life, oh sure there are people that want to share their real life, but many many people have a fantasy life on facebook. The fantasy life online was just what worked, who would have believed that at home, she was planning her own death.

Continues here