Wednesday 24 December 2014

Meeting the chemist in tga

Just a wee update for those that haven't yet liked my new pain relief Cream pain yet....

I went to Tauranga for Christmas day,

I used to like in Tauranga about 8 years ago, and yesterday while doing some last minute shopping, I looked up and saw the pharmacist that used to dispense all the painkillers etc I used to take back then. I thought, gosh I know you, but couldn't remember who she was, she stopped and reminded me who she was.

She was totally gobsmacked how well I was looking, and how bright and alert, I was, and how well I was moving, I was even carrying a 7 month old baby around the supermarket.

We started talking about the cream, and how I didn't take painkillers at all now, and she asked me to drop off some business cards and sample pots of the cream too her, along with one pot she would get. No promises, but its a good lead. She has a family member that has arthritis, and would try the cream with them...

I said I had thought about going to see the doctor I used to go to, and she encouraged me to go see him, he would be amazed as she was...

it was lovely to have someone recognize me, that knew the road I was on back then, morphine and two other types of painkillers, and now to see me as I am now. We talked for about 10 minutes, in a busy shop, then outside again

If you haven't like my page yet, please do, I need another 25 likes to reach 100, remember to like that like button at the top of the page, I few friends have clicked other likes, which don't count and its important to get the right one smile emoticon I'll add a picture in the comments below to show you where to look... of it may show on the page banner below

Well its time I hit the sack I guess, after just finishing checking all my private messages, and emails, I have a busy busy day tomorrow....

sort of a shame facebook doesn't show the places around NZ that my Pain Relief Cream was discussed and tried out, on Christmas Day. At least 5 families I know of did, I have re-orders and first time orders from people that have tried the cream. which is fantastic ....

the place that sells the pots I put it in is closed until 12 Jan, and at the rate the cream sales are going, I'm going to run out of containers before New Years Eve...

Still, it will give me time to go picking more Comfrey, and other herbs, and making the concentrate so when the various suppliers open I can order more supplies... and make up creams,

I will have time to see if i can find some native plants and play around with a couple of recipes using them.

Oh, and I have some exciting news, I met a woman the day before Christmas, she has done a 3 year course in Herbalism, she's away until about the 6th of Jan, but she is going to start doing markets for me, and also will start making Pain Relief Massage Oils, I will sell through this page.

And we are looking at other products we could make, so if anyone has any remedy they are wanting,. let me know... will definitely make vapour rub for coughs and colds. and other ideas??? They have to be for external use only for a start, we'd have to get use of a commercial kitchen before we could making medicines

So things are really moving along.

Its a awesome feeling to be helping people be relieved from their pain issues..... a subject so close to my heart, and i just love hearing the story's of different things the creams heal.

Ok, its 2.05 am got to sleep, I'll catch up later today, Have a great christmas, if you do them, and haven't done it yet....