Thursday 30 May 2013

PoemL Bad Dayz.

Bad Dayz. 2002

Bad Hellish, dayz
Deep down
Into the pit
Will hit the bottom
And shatter
Into a thousand pieces
Don't care anymore.

Thru the mist,
The clouds of despair,
The broken body's,
The screams of torment souls,
Thru the darkness,

From 8000 miles away,
Faint at first,
Then growing louder
Growing real
But can't hear them,
For the screams.
They are familiar thou.

Arms grab me,
Just as I am
About to hit,
They lift me, 
Out of the pit
Into the light,

That voice,
Saying over and over,
I love you, Girl,
I love you, Girl,
Fill my being,
Heal my soul,
I am Loved.
I Am loved.


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