Sunday 4 May 2014

Pain controlled at last update 1 month Later

Pain Cream Update. 
Its been over a month now, since I stopped taking all my various regular prescription medications(close enough to 500 pills a month), and started using the pain cream

Things are going particularly well, my brain (thinking and memory) is back working at peak performance, (better than before the stroke), Pain levels are down to nothing except on days when I over do it, then its just a case of using another lot of cream. 

I have started sleeping every night, and have not had any nightmares at all. I used to have them most times I slept, and I even had a dream the other night, I can't remember having a dream ever. 

I have not been bursting into tears at the drop of a hat, and I'm building up the distance I can walk without stopping. No fybro flareups at all, I'm a truly different person. 

I have had several people try the cream, for many different health issues, and all have had great relief from this wonder pain cream,

Contact me, if you want to learn more about the Pain Cream

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