Tuesday 28 October 2014

Places I have lived part 4

13486 Words to start

Kunwarara Truckstop:

The truck stop was hard work, but a hell of a lot of fun. I worked 12 hours shifts, by myself, from 6pm til 6am.

The was a cb radio, that the truckers would ring though on, 15 minutes r so away, and place their order, often they would eat, have a beer or 2, then go sleep in their trucks, they all had sleeper cabs. One of the staunch rules was no sex with the drivers, but unless you did it on your off shift hours there was no time to anyway.

So with the no sex rule, I was in my element, surrounded by guys, them all trying to get my attention, and me being a kiwi, it meant a hell of a lot of jokes about Kiwi's and bloody Aussies. It got known pretty quick that I was working there, the pretty young kiwi girl, that was good for a laugh, I would get calls on the CB checking if I was working.

Around 11 at night, the meals would slow down to maybe 1 or 2 an hour, trucks were coming and going all night, we sold petrol or diesel I guess, so I would have to go out and record that, but other than that, once the kitchen was clean, I could go out and keep the guys company, the sitting area could easily seat about 20 guys on one long table, and a few one set tables down the other end.

I would have the kitchen cleaned up quick smart, and several times the drivers would come in and help me cook and clean, just so I could go out in the front of the shop and spend time with them all.... I had lovely legs, and used to do a lot of very sensual dancing out there. I did keep my clothes on, but my skirt or sarong was often ticked up in my knickers. And many nights I would get picked up and lifted on the main table to do a table dance.... I learnt that truck drivers, while often short, were darn strong.

Seems funny now, thinking how I used to move, and do such crazy stuff... when now, walking a few steps is such a chore.

I would often be dragged onto someones knee and pawed, or my bum played with, fingers run through my long hair, kissed, and told some of the filthiest jokes.  I always blushed with any mention of anything sexual, so of course, that just egged the guys on, it was just part of the fun, now it would be called sexual harassment.

There was one guy, that used to do a short run from Mackay to Rocky twice a week. So I got to know him well, he was to become very important to me later on, yet I can't remember his name now... maybe I will remember as I write, anyway, he would come in regularly twice going each way, he's have a laugh, but was very fond of his wife so didn't take it as far as the others did. Anyway, this night he rang in with the his order, and it was two meals, I was in a fun mood, so said over the CB, so who is the hitch-hiker you have today, those pretty French girls you had on Monday coming for another trip, they were lovely... and the cb went dead.... 10 minutes later he pulls up, I get the meals ready for him at the counter, he walked in with a scowl his face, with a very angry looking woman behind him..... turns out she was his wife.... I apologized, and assured her he never brought anyone in, blah blah blah... very awkward time lol.....

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