Tuesday 22 July 2014

good times

I've been racking my brain trying to think of good or fun things that happen when I was a kid.
I'm sure I'll think of something sooner or later, I don't have any memories of good events is such, mother was big on birthdays, and used to always put me on a diet about a week before my birthday, so there was no cake or anything, I don't particularly remember my brothers having birthday parties either, but they were allowed to go out and be with their mates, whereas I wasn't.

I remember when I was about seven, my mother telling somebody, that I was always smiling and happy, and I guess to look at me, maybe at it seem that way. I'd know I would find myself smiling a lot, when I could go next door or over the back fence, and play with the little kids, I was have enjoyed being around children, if left to my own devices. With very small children like three or four years old, I really enjoy their honesty, before they learn that is things you should say to people.

I remember when my son was four, him and I used to go everywhere together, often walking. And he saw a guy in a wheelchair, he asked me why he was like that, I said I didn't know, why don't you go and ask him, so he trotted off went up to this guy, and asked him was that like baby stroller was, and was he too lazy to walk ..... I ended up at becoming good friends with a guy for a while.

When I was 12. I did go to a birthday party once, that was pretty nice. Just like the birthday parties on TV used to be. You know, pin The tail on the donkey, blind man's buff, postman's knock, and other party games, everyone wearing party hats, candles birthday cake, yummy food, all that sort of thing. That 10 or 12 children I think. see I told you think of something :)

A lot of happy times that I had, or to put it more accurately, the few happy times I can remember looking back were always marred by sad things. Like had little puppy, a Pedigree corgi, in name was Cindy, spending time with her was fun, she died tragically, which was about 18 months old, and I had a horse Tania, I just loved giving her saddled up and going for rides all day Saturday and sometimes all day Sunday, just getting away from the house, dad to had told me he was mine, but he sold her and didn't tell me. I guess I can be pleased that he didn't decide to shoot her, my father had little regard for life of an animal. when they were costing too much to keep, or were not useful, he had no use for them, that's just the way farmers are, I think.

Around the time I turned 13, I got a big crush, teacher, he used to come to the bakery my parents owned, and and talked my dad, I used to sit out a view, looking in a mirror to see Roger McLay, I thought he was just lovely, LOL

I had a pet KuneKune pig once, house trained, and lived inside, I called her Mother Theresa, she was a lovely companion, when I was crippled in bed all the time, she could pick up the remote control for the telly, and my ciggy's and lighter, she loved laying beside me on the bed, and watching Oprah, if she was outside when the music came on for Oprah she would run inside to watch it with me, she hated Ricky Lake that was on afterward.... so did I. At the end of Oprah she would stand up and start looking for the remote to give to me to change channels....
She had a poo place outside, and always used it, and would wait for my daughter to get home from school, to be let outside to "go" in the winter.
She was a fun companion, and I miss her... she would be a lot of fun now I can get up and move sometimes....

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