Sunday 13 July 2014

Me a Guest Speaker on The Nutters Club

I'm sitting here, in the motel, winding down after my appearance on "The Nutters Club", what a wonderful experience.

I can't remember what I did or didn't say for the most part, but I'm getting good feedback from private message, so I did good, the producer and I went downstairs for ciggy at the midnight news and she was very supportive, and so were the three guys, Richy Hardcore, Malcolm Falconer and Boris, they made the whole experience fun. I was talking about a bad life, full of sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, phyical abuse and was smiling and very happy telling it. even saying that Kym had died in this past week, didn't bring me to tears.

I'll post links to interview when they are live.

Richie and Malcolm really encouraged me to write about my live, and I will start doing that now, My story is pretty tragic, and what I shared was only the very basics, and of course I missed so much out, two hours talking just wasn't long enough. I think the way I do it, is posts about the various parts, because reading the who;e thing in order would just be too much, and I'll need to take a look at what I have written here, what I have talked about already.

I now have to fill in 5 hours, before I catch a taxi back to the train station to start the homeward journey which will which will take about 6 hours. I'm not looking forward to the homeward trip, coming up tonight was pretty hard on me. I have lost a lot of weight and those seats on the train were bloody hard.

One interesting thing, I have no pain, I should mbe seized up, groveling on the floor, with pain, and although my hip is bothering me some, generally I'm good painwise. I'm starting to yawn, and wondering if I should try to sleep for a while.... so concerned I will sleep in and miss that train.

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