Friday 30 January 2015

ACC Assessment Feb 11

At long last I have my ACC assessment appointment. Feb 11th. .... its been 3 years since I started this process, but 20 years since I injured my back.
I know they will probably say my backpain is arthritis now, so they won't have to pay, but I still say, if I hadn't of broken my back, and it wasn't acknowledge by them for so many years... but there is still a large sensitive claim.
Anyway, it will be good to get this assessment over and done with, and know what compensation they deem fit to award me.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Boston Baked Beens.

Oh boy oh boy, I have started making Boston Baked Beans, soaked the beans overnight, and put them in the crockpot about an hour ago, I just noticed it simmering, so though I would taste it check flavours, I wasn't expecting too much, its just started cooking, but holy moly it tastes deliriously divinely delicious, once the beans are cooked, and the juice thickens up I'm going to be in 7th heaven. Going to be a long long wait though... thank you Caytie for suggesting the recipe a few weeks ago, as something to cook using molasses. Amazing how bad molasses tastes now, and how good it is when mixed with a few other ingredients and navy beans.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Great Discovery a mistake

Most of my greatest discoveries are "mistakes" or trying one thing, and and a different result comes about... Right now I'm totally painfree and have been for several hours, yet I didn't rub the pain relief cream into any sore muscles in my back or shoulder at all today....

Today I received some patches I intended to try out as pain relief patches, using my cream, when I received them, I thought I would let myself get in severe pain so I could try them out, one of the sizes was perfect for a corn I have on my big toe, so I duly opened that patch put some cream on it, and stuck it to my big toe. Thinking it might soften the corn, or even draw the corn out, this cream is way more than pain relief.

Anyway, it has been on for about 7 hours now, and with the cold night air, I released i should be in serious pain, but I'm not... its an odd feeling not being in pain.

Wouldn't it be downright amazing, if i could offer people patches the could stick to their feet, or maybe anywhere on their body, and it reduce their pain everywhere!!! .... oh boy going to have to find some locals I can try this on. Oh wait, I only have one more patch that size, better go order some more first

Saturday 3 January 2015

And I, Will always love you

Talk about bringing back memories, I played this song so many times on the plane back from the states, broke my heart to leave, but it had to be, well it did in my painkiller addled brain anyway. I don't think I have heard it since that flight until now.

Thursday 1 January 2015

1 Jan 2015 fb Posts

Think positive they said, good things will come your way they said.... so thinking really really really hard about the positive aspect of having a terrible internet connection, well I guess, if you make a post on facebook, and you aren't connected to internet, you don't lose the post, you just have to copy and paste it 5 or 6 times, until the connection is working... :)
 Thats way better than the old days of dailup, where once you clicked post, if the internet connection burped or you took too long to write it, you would lose the whole thing... if i had $100 for every time that happened, I'd have money coming out my ears :)

Someone left 3 stubbies in the freezer, they were twist tops so didn't explode, but still were a mess, I'm now making beer bread, will let you know how it comes out.... gotta love having a breadmaker

God I've just watched a movie called "The Secret" its well worth watching, and taking in the message, WOuld be an awesome thing to teach your fb "likers"

Everyday is awesome, each day I meet more and more people I need to met, and my business is opening up in ways I never dreamt about. This "law of attraction" thing is working for sure. smile emoticon The other day, I went to pick up some comfrey roots and leaves for my pain relief cream, the woman that grows it, grows an organic garden, her husband is an Engineer, and although he doesn't know it yet, he's going to build a piece of equipment, that will mean I can take the cream making another level. Then today I was talking around the breakfast table about a new investor in my business, and 2 new people want to add some money to the business. Busy writing a business plan now