Thursday 1 January 2015

1 Jan 2015 fb Posts

Think positive they said, good things will come your way they said.... so thinking really really really hard about the positive aspect of having a terrible internet connection, well I guess, if you make a post on facebook, and you aren't connected to internet, you don't lose the post, you just have to copy and paste it 5 or 6 times, until the connection is working... :)
 Thats way better than the old days of dailup, where once you clicked post, if the internet connection burped or you took too long to write it, you would lose the whole thing... if i had $100 for every time that happened, I'd have money coming out my ears :)

Someone left 3 stubbies in the freezer, they were twist tops so didn't explode, but still were a mess, I'm now making beer bread, will let you know how it comes out.... gotta love having a breadmaker

God I've just watched a movie called "The Secret" its well worth watching, and taking in the message, WOuld be an awesome thing to teach your fb "likers"

Everyday is awesome, each day I meet more and more people I need to met, and my business is opening up in ways I never dreamt about. This "law of attraction" thing is working for sure. smile emoticon The other day, I went to pick up some comfrey roots and leaves for my pain relief cream, the woman that grows it, grows an organic garden, her husband is an Engineer, and although he doesn't know it yet, he's going to build a piece of equipment, that will mean I can take the cream making another level. Then today I was talking around the breakfast table about a new investor in my business, and 2 new people want to add some money to the business. Busy writing a business plan now

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