Thursday 8 January 2015

Great Discovery a mistake

Most of my greatest discoveries are "mistakes" or trying one thing, and and a different result comes about... Right now I'm totally painfree and have been for several hours, yet I didn't rub the pain relief cream into any sore muscles in my back or shoulder at all today....

Today I received some patches I intended to try out as pain relief patches, using my cream, when I received them, I thought I would let myself get in severe pain so I could try them out, one of the sizes was perfect for a corn I have on my big toe, so I duly opened that patch put some cream on it, and stuck it to my big toe. Thinking it might soften the corn, or even draw the corn out, this cream is way more than pain relief.

Anyway, it has been on for about 7 hours now, and with the cold night air, I released i should be in serious pain, but I'm not... its an odd feeling not being in pain.

Wouldn't it be downright amazing, if i could offer people patches the could stick to their feet, or maybe anywhere on their body, and it reduce their pain everywhere!!! .... oh boy going to have to find some locals I can try this on. Oh wait, I only have one more patch that size, better go order some more first

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