Tuesday 11 June 2013

Poem: Just you Lover

Come lay with me,
Lay between my legs,
Rest your head on my tummy,
Quiet now, 
Don't say a word,
Just listen,
Hear me with your body,
Hear my hands, 
My words,
My thoughts.

Honey, I love you,
with everything,
I love you,
I want you,
I need you.
Just You.

Just you,
Not what you can do,
Not to protect me,
Not to keep me from harm,
Cause, having you,
Right there at my side,
I won't need protecting,
Your strength will be mine.

You wanna be my Marine,
My knight in shining armour,
My dragon slayer,
My shelter from the storm,
You wanna be the person,
I look up to with eye's full of love.
That's you already.

I want you,
Just you,
Right there by my side,
No dragons no slay,
No storms to weather,
No enemy to conquer,
No fights to win.
Just be there,
Just you.

Just you,
That's who I feel in love with,

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