Tuesday 11 June 2013

Working through intrusive thoughts: Grief

Reply to a post on facebook, where someone was asking for help to work through grief. On The Nutters Club facebook page.

My life has been in the same neck of the woods as you. I don't know how you feel, but I've been lost in grief too.
I found that by compartmentalizing my grief, just putting it to one side, and starting to look at other things that either used to interest me, or something that was totally new to learn about, has lead to me not only learning new stuff, but also learning about my journey with grief.
When I'm in a state, I find reading very difficult, too many obtrusive thoughts. But either listening or watching something, especially something that I can stop and start if I need to, is very good.
To give an example. The other night listening to talkback, I heard someone talk about a NZ actor, who was around back in 30's, I wondered what she was doing now, so went and googled her name.

The 1st result was was wikipedia, and that was interesting probably, but my mind was busy with intrusive thoughts, and I didn't adsorb much, except she was still alive lol

the second result in google, was to a video clip on the site I have since started exploring, a site that has many many visual clips, something like youtube, but only listing productions.

The page had several links to short clips of what she has done over the years. Then in the related part of the page, either the same actor or subject, there was 1 full TV program, on a subject she had spoken.

So I went to view that, and finding out there were several full TV programs on that site, I started browsing the site for full length vids, and the journey began in earnest.

Over the past 4 days or so, I have watched about 30 of so clips on various subjects, everything from extinct plant in NZ, and how they have worked out why it disappeared about 50 years ago, right through Maori land disputes, a particular type of fish, finding Captain Cooks anchor in Taihati, to the 1st episode of a TV series Doves of War, to a couple of comedies, a couple of kids science programs, etc etc, to last night, when I discovered quite a few programs looking at ways us kiwi's support each other. One of those programs touched on grief, and I heard something that made sense to my recovery. It was like the full circle.
Today, I'm back here, contributing to this group, with bits and pieces of what I have learned. 

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