Sunday 9 June 2013

Poem: War and Peace

War and Peace.

Lost and alone,
feel like giving up,
won't thou,
cause that would mean,
she wins.

She can do her worst,
Kick me where it hurts,
hurt me anyway she wishes,
I can't stop her,

But, I can use,
what little energy I have,
to make it thru,
one day,
and then the next,
and the one after,
I won't let her win,
that one last battle.
Cause in the end,
I will win, the war.

I will let her think she's won,
Let her feel smug,
Let down her defences,
Maybe even forget I exist,

I will be like the phoenix,
and rise from the ashes,
when she least expects it,
showing everyone,
How strong and beautiful,
I really am.

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