Sunday 9 February 2014

Lynnys wish list. (Updated)

Starting a wishlist, its not aimed at anyone, I just wanna put something somewhere I will remember, so I can add to it.

1. Repeat Feb 5th, 6th's & 7th day over many many times, I had a ball, Did interesting things, joined in some fun conversations, all combining in taking a massive risk, that worked out really well... My Dad would have been proud of me. Thank you all that participated in those day, in whatever way. 

2. One of my new friends has an awesome profile photo, and it reminded me of a service used to be here years ago, a glamour pamper yourself day ending in a photoshoot, you know haircut, hair colour, nails, makeup, one outfit of clothes, then photos to have forever. I'd love to do that, just be a real woman for one day... 

3. A computer program I actually own called Dragon Naturally Speaking, the full package, with the wifi headset. Done!!!!

4. $50 in my hand that I don't have to spend on something lol... Done !!!! Boris from the Nutters Club gave me a $50 note. to pay for the taxi back to the train station, and buy food on the trip back to Raetihi, I paid for the Taxi with other money, and didn't buy food... I still have that $50 note in my purse. :)

5. Learn public speaking. Toastmasters sort of thing.

6. Become a Doctor, a Pain Doctor, I reckon I would be an awesome, I actually have so many skills already, I could quote easily become world renowned, and teach doctors everywhere what they are often doing so very wrong now.

7. Get replacement drivers Licence and Passport (got stolen about 15 months ago, never thought I'd want to use it again)

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