Thursday 24 April 2014

Ways of Ingesting Cannabis in Food

Ways of ingesting cannabis in food. If you can't or don't like smoking, here's a few ideas for using it in cooking, so you only need a small amount. I haven't done these since I lived in the states, but would work the same here. 

1. Get one of those glass herb bottles, and with the crumble y tiny bits, save them, and trim, crumbled up small it looks like any other herb. 

2. If you have a frozen pizza, sprinkle these crumbs of a couple of pieces, add a wee bit of extra cheese and some oregano covers the taste a bit, and cook as usual, or sprinkle you special herb on some cooked pizza, same thing.

3. get some snack crackers, and any pizza like toppings, or just cheese, grate cheese and sprinkle on top of crackers, crumble a wee big of dak in among the cheese, sprinkle with pepper, and oregano, grill them until cheese is just melted, and eat them, quick easy and yummy, especially if you have a couple of slices of salami, just a tiny bit on each cracker, a bit of tomato or stuff like that.

4. Someone in the group said they make a milky milo, and put some cannabis in it, I guess while he boils the milk. 

5. Same goes for chai, or any milky drink.

6. If you are making a gravy, sprinkle some in the gravy in the last couple of minutes of cooking. 

7. Sprinkle on the butter or sour cream on a baked potato. 

have you got any other ideas for a quick easy snack?

Sunday 20 April 2014

Cannabis Pain Cream Reports 2

2 more Cream Reports

1. Lynny that cream is amazing. I have arthritis in my feet. especially my toe and ankle joints plus stuff from my diabetes. Told the doctor I have been using it on my feet and he kinda just gave me THAT look so I just told him Whatever and laughed.
2. The ointment is helping quite a bit
it is really activating when you use it. there is a tingling unlike other ointment
Well, I find it works for both my osteoarthritis when I rub it in, it stops the broken glass feeling ( hard to rub in though).
And it works for my CRPS, as it starts a painful tingling feeling like it's receiving bloodflow it normally doesn't. I quite like the numbing and tingling feeling,
So thats
4 people with arthritis both Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis, from early stages to severe, have all reported it helps with the pain and movement, 1 person said it didn't take away all the pain, but definitely took took pain down from 8/10 to a quite manageable 4-5 out of 10 pain level
2 people with fibro, one severe one not so severe, both reported completely pain free for 5 hours per application.
1 chronic back pain from and old injury, complete pain relief. 4 to 6 hours.
1 with CRPS thats having some relief.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Cannabis Pain Cream report

Last night I spoke to my friend with fibromyalgia, I gave her some some of those pain cream to try. She has been using it regularly for 5 days now, and said its working really well, she is going through a stage where her sleeping is very disrupted, and she said if her pain wasn't so well controlled she would have lost the plot over the past 3 or 4 days. So I have an order from her for a bigger pot, that will last about at least a month or so. 

If anyone wants an order, let me know, I can't send them until prolly next week, will just need the postage the bigger containers, ask me privately, 

Thank you so much "Dakta Farmy Suitical" for making this cream, love you guys,

Cannabis Pain Cream Reports 1

Arthritic Hands I was just talking to someone on skype, While they tried this cream I'm using, on their arthritis, In the hands, He put it on, 

And was talking to me about something else, and after about five minutes or so, I asked him How was hands were, and he was totally amazed, that the pain had Totally gone. The three people, chronic lower back pain, fibromyalgia, And arthritic hands, The cream has worked totally for, that's exciting Don't you think? 

A lot has been made tonight, and they think they can make only about one will brew, without getting another source to the herbal content  

So, We have decided that, It's available only GreenCross members. So if you are a member GreenCross yet, go to this link, and downloading Either the "GREENCROSS NZ Patient-Doctor FORM" That you need to get a doctor to sign, or "The support membership Application" form, lets start helping people be out of pain. I will have a small 2tsp (approx) sample or a larger container.

Monday 14 April 2014

Pain controlled at last (update)

I see a mental health worker every 2-3 weeks, she just came in, with a discharge letter from the service here and was totally blown away, at how alert, engaging, happy, energetic, now much packing I had done myself, how well I was moving with little pain, she said I looked and acted more normal that most people in her non-worklife. 

And first asked me if I had won lotto or something, since I was so different to when she saw me almost 2 weeks ago, before I received that cannabis cream. 

I have often talked to her about my experience with cannabis in the states, and what I had learnt since working on the website.

She is a good scout, so I told her that I was totally prescription drug free, since I last saw her, and it happened that I hadn't used the cream today yet, so I showed her the cream, let her smell it, and I showed her how I used it. 

Anyway conversation turned to her mother, who she has just heard has been given a death sentence with lung cancer, and emphysema, and how she is going to north island to help care for their this Thursday. 

She asked if cannabis would help her mother, blah blah, I explained how she might use it for her mother... and SHE IS GOING TO DO IT.... (put 
some cannabis into her mothers food, I showed her how much, wht to cover the taste of it with (oregano) with just some normal thyme I have here) lol... she has also said that after watching me, she would definitely make sure she votes for legalization for medical use. 

Its lovely to get some really positive feedback from someone, that generally doesn't have anything to do with cannabis, and has never even had a puff. 

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Pain controlled at last

Today I changed a light bulb, vacuumed the floor, stood on a stool and cleared out a top cupboard, put out my own rubbish, walked almost 4km's (ok I had to sit a few times, but still) cooked a meal, and did some yoga exercises.

I also have a clear head, and can think properly, and have been smiling and singing most of the day. I guess it doesn't sound like much. But to Me its a massive achievement. Almost 20 years ago, I broke my back, and have been in constant pain ever since.... so whats different now??

Almost a week ago I took my last painkillers, anxiety, sleeping pills, and started using a cream sent to me by a special friend, I have never meet.

Until this morning the withdrawals from that cocktails of drugs the doctor keeps giving me has been pretty hellish. But it doesn't matter now, it was so worth it. 

This cream by the way is made with Cannabis, only need to apply it topically 3 or 4 times a day, and with a few minutes, I'm painfree, and I can actually think clearly I didn't think either thing was really possible at the same time. 

A heartfelt thank you Dakta Farmy Suitical