Wednesday 9 April 2014

Pain controlled at last

Today I changed a light bulb, vacuumed the floor, stood on a stool and cleared out a top cupboard, put out my own rubbish, walked almost 4km's (ok I had to sit a few times, but still) cooked a meal, and did some yoga exercises.

I also have a clear head, and can think properly, and have been smiling and singing most of the day. I guess it doesn't sound like much. But to Me its a massive achievement. Almost 20 years ago, I broke my back, and have been in constant pain ever since.... so whats different now??

Almost a week ago I took my last painkillers, anxiety, sleeping pills, and started using a cream sent to me by a special friend, I have never meet.

Until this morning the withdrawals from that cocktails of drugs the doctor keeps giving me has been pretty hellish. But it doesn't matter now, it was so worth it. 

This cream by the way is made with Cannabis, only need to apply it topically 3 or 4 times a day, and with a few minutes, I'm painfree, and I can actually think clearly I didn't think either thing was really possible at the same time. 

A heartfelt thank you Dakta Farmy Suitical

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