Monday 14 April 2014

Pain controlled at last (update)

I see a mental health worker every 2-3 weeks, she just came in, with a discharge letter from the service here and was totally blown away, at how alert, engaging, happy, energetic, now much packing I had done myself, how well I was moving with little pain, she said I looked and acted more normal that most people in her non-worklife. 

And first asked me if I had won lotto or something, since I was so different to when she saw me almost 2 weeks ago, before I received that cannabis cream. 

I have often talked to her about my experience with cannabis in the states, and what I had learnt since working on the website.

She is a good scout, so I told her that I was totally prescription drug free, since I last saw her, and it happened that I hadn't used the cream today yet, so I showed her the cream, let her smell it, and I showed her how I used it. 

Anyway conversation turned to her mother, who she has just heard has been given a death sentence with lung cancer, and emphysema, and how she is going to north island to help care for their this Thursday. 

She asked if cannabis would help her mother, blah blah, I explained how she might use it for her mother... and SHE IS GOING TO DO IT.... (put 
some cannabis into her mothers food, I showed her how much, wht to cover the taste of it with (oregano) with just some normal thyme I have here) lol... she has also said that after watching me, she would definitely make sure she votes for legalization for medical use. 

Its lovely to get some really positive feedback from someone, that generally doesn't have anything to do with cannabis, and has never even had a puff. 

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