Thursday 25 June 2015

Civil Emergency, No Coffee

 Screw is officially so lose, it fell off.... I went to make a last cuppa for the night, came back and sat down in lounge while the jug boiled... got busy with something on facebook, the jug I have just boils, it doesn't switch off... anyway, I realised the jug hadn't boiled.... grumping to myself, bloody fuse out there has blown again, grump grump... walked around the corner, to where the jug normally is, and no jug.... I looked in usual places... decided screw was lose and came to sit down again, and thin where it might be....

just sat down, and realised i had left the milk out, so went back to kitchen, and low and behold, the jug was IN THE BLOODY fridge. I mean really Lynny, you lose things all the time, but putting the kettle in the fridge....

I'm sending myself to the naughty corner, where I can think about being more in touch with whats happening around me....
Then I can go to bed without anything supper, maybe sleep will tighten those screws, can't have me walking around with screws lose....
I'm going to help cook the community lunch tomorrow, would not be a good look to walk in their trailing lose screws behind me,

Do Mulberry's grow in New Zealand, I remember a big old tree in Aussie when I was there, and remember the fruit as delicious, I'm sure I have heard of them someone here.

I have a civil defence emergency here at my place, which may require a Westpac helicopter life flight, I'M OUTTA COFFEE.... although I don't drink a lot of coffee, I need one to get to sleep, and one in the morning at the very least. It will be monday night before I can buy more, so thats 6 teaspoons instant of coffee...

So if anyone needs to rack up some good karma points, and could pass by this way, I'd truly appreciate it. I have loads of teabags if you want to swap.
using up leftovers for dinner.
This morning I looked in the fridge, freezer and cupboard, sweet fanny adams anywhere.... in the freezer a chicken wing and small skinny drumstick, in the cupboard a handful of lentils, 1 onion, herbs, spices, and things like pasta, cous cous, rice and in fridge a small sad looking wedge of cabbage.

So I browned chicken, added water, cooking on very low heat afternoon, along with lentils, and herbs and spices, someone came this afternoon with silverbeet for the chooks, so took 4 nice leaves for myself, added the fast cooking stuff about 30 minutes ago, and now have enough lovely chicken flavoured soup/stew/food for the weekend.
I just love how I can make something out of what seems like nothing.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Chooks If you can't beat 'em join 'em

No notifications for a whole hour, facebook must be broken

If you want to finish first, first you have to finish.

Oh my Goodness, it is so cold, sitting here in a scarf and warm hat, hood, sweatshirt, 2 t-shirts and singlet..... and still freezing.... war,mer by far in South island. Brass monkey weather

I want a car, today I really feel like going out somewhere. Reality check, car needs petrol + $20 to spend, Maybe next year..

If you can't beat 'em join 'em

The chooks(hens) have been escaping and eating my spinach and beetroot leaves, I grow especially for stirfry's. Today I was looking at the white and red stalks, and thought if I cut all the naked stalks off, the young ones might grow faster... some stalks had about half the green or red leaf still on, the rest were less, right back to just the stalks... When I finished, I had quite a bundle of stalks, and though, oh well if you can't bet 'em, I'll join 'em, brought the stalks inside, rinsed them under the tap, and cooked them, they actually tasted very nice, with onion, a little cabbage and grated beetroot, and couscous to soak up the extra juice... so made a meal out of stalks lol...

Wednesday 10 June 2015

big deal with Kombucha

Whats the big deal with Kombucha.

As you know I've been making a lot of Kombucha, and a friend pm'ed me and asked what the big deal about it is....
Even if you don't believe all the hype about it, or think it will be great for your digestion, or help/fix many ailments, it is a very cheap way of making a very pleasant fizzy drink, you can flavor with any fruit or herbs or spices.

Its great to make your own food, you know exactly what goes into it, so no hidden chemicals.
The thing is, it is very much like an energy drink, I first saw it as kicking my depressions butt, but now i see it as an energy drink. Every afternoon about 3, I would get so very tired, and would go lay down, and often sleep for 3 or 4 hours. but I have noticed the last week, that that tiredness just isn't there. I haven't even had any kombucha at all today, I've had a busy day, and had a really big day yesterday, its almost 4pm, and I'm not sleepy tired at all. I am physically tired because i have done so much, but not nodding off to sleep.

It costs about $1 to make 3 litres of energy drink, you certainly can't beat that.

I didn't do it, I did a lot of stuff, but I didn't do that!


I've lost my plot, could you all have a look around and see if I left it somewhere, on your wall, or in a group you are in.
My plot is purple green and black, last time I had my plot for sure was about 3 nights ago, but you know what its like, you never notice something missing, and "the plot's" go missing for short periods all the time. Any way, if you see my plot, please tell it I'm really missing it and wanting it to come back to Me.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Teaching Fermenting and chookie love

Exciting news. I help with a community lunch here in Waihi on a Friday, I was there today helping with the lunch, and got talking about how I made Kombucha, after the usual questions about what it was, what it tasted like, then conversation really livened up.
They want me to go back in 2 weeks, the 19th June, take samples and teach anyone that's interested how to make it. !!! There are a lot of people that live alone and on very low incomes, and I was amazed how many of them were interested in something that would help them with different ailments, especially things that were dietary related. Reflux and constipation especially. Especially since it is so cheap to make.
They are also going to keep their eye's open for some food grade plastic buckets, so we can start a brew going to have with the community lunch, so if you are in or near Waihi, Please help out, I'd be happy with just 2 x 20ltr buckets, and exactic with more.
I'm so excited. I'll have to time a batch to be ready to bottle that day, and before then not flavour the booch from the batch I have just started, so I have plenty to give to people along with a scoby to get their brews going at home

My chookies love me, another 4 eggs today, so thats 4 eggs on two days, 3 eggs on 4 days and 2 eggs on one day in the past week. Totally 22 eggs, for about $3 of laying pellets ... can't bitch about that. I love my Chickens.