Wednesday 10 June 2015

big deal with Kombucha

Whats the big deal with Kombucha.

As you know I've been making a lot of Kombucha, and a friend pm'ed me and asked what the big deal about it is....
Even if you don't believe all the hype about it, or think it will be great for your digestion, or help/fix many ailments, it is a very cheap way of making a very pleasant fizzy drink, you can flavor with any fruit or herbs or spices.

Its great to make your own food, you know exactly what goes into it, so no hidden chemicals.
The thing is, it is very much like an energy drink, I first saw it as kicking my depressions butt, but now i see it as an energy drink. Every afternoon about 3, I would get so very tired, and would go lay down, and often sleep for 3 or 4 hours. but I have noticed the last week, that that tiredness just isn't there. I haven't even had any kombucha at all today, I've had a busy day, and had a really big day yesterday, its almost 4pm, and I'm not sleepy tired at all. I am physically tired because i have done so much, but not nodding off to sleep.

It costs about $1 to make 3 litres of energy drink, you certainly can't beat that.

I didn't do it, I did a lot of stuff, but I didn't do that!


I've lost my plot, could you all have a look around and see if I left it somewhere, on your wall, or in a group you are in.
My plot is purple green and black, last time I had my plot for sure was about 3 nights ago, but you know what its like, you never notice something missing, and "the plot's" go missing for short periods all the time. Any way, if you see my plot, please tell it I'm really missing it and wanting it to come back to Me.

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