Tuesday 23 June 2015

Chooks If you can't beat 'em join 'em

No notifications for a whole hour, facebook must be broken

If you want to finish first, first you have to finish.

Oh my Goodness, it is so cold, sitting here in a scarf and warm hat, hood, sweatshirt, 2 t-shirts and singlet..... and still freezing.... war,mer by far in South island. Brass monkey weather

I want a car, today I really feel like going out somewhere. Reality check, car needs petrol + $20 to spend, Maybe next year..

If you can't beat 'em join 'em

The chooks(hens) have been escaping and eating my spinach and beetroot leaves, I grow especially for stirfry's. Today I was looking at the white and red stalks, and thought if I cut all the naked stalks off, the young ones might grow faster... some stalks had about half the green or red leaf still on, the rest were less, right back to just the stalks... When I finished, I had quite a bundle of stalks, and though, oh well if you can't bet 'em, I'll join 'em, brought the stalks inside, rinsed them under the tap, and cooked them, they actually tasted very nice, with onion, a little cabbage and grated beetroot, and couscous to soak up the extra juice... so made a meal out of stalks lol...

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