Thursday 4 June 2015

Teaching Fermenting and chookie love

Exciting news. I help with a community lunch here in Waihi on a Friday, I was there today helping with the lunch, and got talking about how I made Kombucha, after the usual questions about what it was, what it tasted like, then conversation really livened up.
They want me to go back in 2 weeks, the 19th June, take samples and teach anyone that's interested how to make it. !!! There are a lot of people that live alone and on very low incomes, and I was amazed how many of them were interested in something that would help them with different ailments, especially things that were dietary related. Reflux and constipation especially. Especially since it is so cheap to make.
They are also going to keep their eye's open for some food grade plastic buckets, so we can start a brew going to have with the community lunch, so if you are in or near Waihi, Please help out, I'd be happy with just 2 x 20ltr buckets, and exactic with more.
I'm so excited. I'll have to time a batch to be ready to bottle that day, and before then not flavour the booch from the batch I have just started, so I have plenty to give to people along with a scoby to get their brews going at home

My chookies love me, another 4 eggs today, so thats 4 eggs on two days, 3 eggs on 4 days and 2 eggs on one day in the past week. Totally 22 eggs, for about $3 of laying pellets ... can't bitch about that. I love my Chickens.

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