Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cashiers Check from America

I received a cashiers check from America, Chase bank, so it wasn't a tiny bank... took it too the bank this morning, in todays day and age of digital and instant everything, you wouldn't think it will take upto 6 weeks or 30 business days to get the money in my account. groan groan moan moan, 6 bloody weeks..... coor, anyone got $600 I can loan, and pay back in 6 weeks lol..... guess not, I'll be waiting twiddling my thumbs.... groan groan moan moan, still, looking on the bright side, I will have forgotten what I was going to buy with it by the time it clears, oh wait, thats not a bright side.... oh well...

Later that Day

Today has turned out to be an amazing great day....
I wrote a post this morning, about a cheque from the states, and how it was going to take 6 weeks to cash.... well something or more to the point someone amazing happened.... A dear friend, loaned me the money, its in my bank right now.... isn't that fantastic !!!!!!!!! Also I got my business cards this morning, after waiting for 2 months for them....

I've ordered a case of pots for my cream, and will go down and get some oil, and then go online and order a few ingredients I'm running low on, and then I'll make up a BIG lot of Pain Relief Cream.
Yah yah yah... can you tell I'm HAPPY

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