Saturday 7 February 2015

Lovely Day B-B-Q

I've had a lovely afternoon and evening, I was asked out to a bbq and almost convinced myself not to go, but at last minute I thought, bugger it, get your ass down there.

I stopped on the way, to a friend that has just brought a still, and got a tiny bottle of alcohol off him, to have a go at making a cough syrup, also got loads of Rosemary off him.

Then went too the bbq and had a lovely time, taking about stills, making alcohols of various types, comparing stories with a guy thats been making his own spirits for years I think. Also taking herbs and their uses, and general chit-chat, was given some rosemary alcohol, a little of which I rubbed into my arms, to see if alcohol absorbs through skin, dunno if it did, but my skin still feels very soft... lol

Came home with the rosemary, and I had already picked some other herbs, and with the 2kgs of the 3kgs of raw honey I brought yesterday from Waikino, I have made herb honey's, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme and Oregano Honeys, and a bottle of them all mixed together. They will take 6 weeks to infuse, and will be divine when they are done. In time for winter.

A cough remedy with the alcohol, sage rosemary and honey, made that one up... and using the last of a bottle of honey make a none alcoholic cough syrup, of honey, lemon juice, garlic and sage. (that tastes yummy fresh, and divine when infused for a while. I still have loads of Rosemary left, so will start an infusion of Rosemary Oil before i go to bed, and clean up the kitchen, before Annie gets home, she will never know what I have been upto....

I still have 1 kg of honey I haven't opened yet, wondering what I'll do with it... may go and get some nice looking lemons tomorrow off the tree, slice them up, and put in jar, and tip slightly warmed honey over them, leave them for a couple of weeks, and then start eating the slices of lemon.... yummo...

I have had a nasty cough since Christmas, but haven't had any coughing at all today, eating a teaspoon of raw honey 3 times a day, usually clears up hay fever type allergy's.

Ok, better go back inside and start that rosemary infusion.... and clean up that kitchen smile emoticon The things I do at 1.44am

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