Saturday 28 February 2015

Getting Ready to Move

00:43 If you wait until you can do everything for everyone, instead of something for someone, you will end up doing nothing for no-one.

00:47 I;ve been getting into herbal tea's lately, usually I'm a tea with lots of Milk sort of person, but herbal teas, are really starting to grow n me, will try Chamomile as soon as i find someone with some growing. I had a fresh basil tea before, certainly calmed down my indigestion.

09:45 It looks like I'm taking an enforced break from phone/internet, will be moving on Tuesday, and can't have both phone and power bills need paying at the same time, and don't seem to be able to access a free phone and modem, so I'll be offline. Since my writing has suffered so much, in the past 6 weeks, with me not being able to talk to computer, I'll be free to talk to computer whenever I want in flat, (I talk puter types for me) and I have a couple of games I can play offline, and there is always cards. So over and out from Tuesday morning prolly.

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