Monday 23 February 2015

Fighting Winz for Bond

3rd appointment with winz, numerous phone calls from them to me, asking the same questions over and over, and still they won't tell me if they will loan me money to pay a bond, for flat.... now they are bitching that I have moved around a lot in my life....hell they don't know the half of the moves I have had, always move when I try to live with other people... folks tend not to like living with me with depression, and bad nightmares from ptsd...

oh well it still doesn't look hopeful, I have jumped through all of their hops but I can't change what I have done in past. Trouble is, if they won't give me $600 for this bond, which is cheap as, there is no reason for it to change it the rent and bond is more.

Winz will contact me tomorrow for final decision, tomorrow, when they are good and ready, or perhaps Thursday, but this flat will be gone if they turn me down again. The flat has already been on hold since Monday last week. frown emoticon Think its time I crawled into the corner and gave up fighting.

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