Tuesday 10 February 2015

Nightmares before ACC

Nightmares are horrendous tonight, mongrels won't even wait until I'm asleep, you know when you are falling asleep, and the time between being awake, and asleep, that lovely dreamy place, used to think it was the bliss place, but not now, the ghosts are coming out of the walls, ceiling, up from the floor, christ there were so many ghosts, thought I can shut them all up years ago... I guess sleeping is out of the question tonight.... may as well get comfortable, and go find a movie or 4 to watch, until morning

Later that Afternoon

Well, assessment with ACC (Accident Compensation Corp) is over, it was worse than I could ever imagine. way things went, I'd be surprised if they don't bill me, for wasting their time.

I've waited 20 years for that meeting, and cried through most of it, so very disappointed in myself.

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