Wednesday 22 April 2015

Pigs head and Kombucha

 I brought a pigs head from the supermarket to make some bone broth, it was quite meaty and I added carrots, marrow, and a few other veges, and some angle hair noodles, the broth is very jellified so I mixed some of those meat off the head, and made a sort of a brawn, I didn't like the brawn, it was a bit bland for my taste, but boy oh boy, my new cat Terabyte looves it, I guess its jelliment without the nasty catfood smell.... Terabyte is still shy, but likes the food I'm giving.... t
here will be about 3 or 4 kgs of food, plus some broth for me, and while I will freeze most of the jellimeat, and give other foods as well
I know most people will be grossed out, but I think Terabyte is a lucky cat, and will be a healthy spoilt cat.

Kombucha I just sampled my 1st brew of kombucha and you know, its not to bad at all. Definitely ready, so I'm just boiling the jug, to start soaking the next lots of teabags, I made it in three big containers the first time, and while the scoby's all look odd, and each batch tastes a bitch different, I'm already planning how to make changes to brewing times, and ingredients used. I've decided to use a crockpot for the next brew, that will make a massive scoby lol....

I don't have anything thats not steel to cut the scoby's with, I guess i could put gloves on and tear it apart.... the new scoby is sorta stuck to the mothers I used. I'll do a test run, using just a piece of scoby, rather than a full round, pretty sure all you need is some scoby.... anyway, this is fun.
What with drink Kombucha and hemp seed oil, I should be healthy in no time.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Recipe Book

Oh boy, I'm so excited..... The very first thing I did on a computer, back in about 95 or 96 was write a cookbook.... it was for people that lived on low food budgets..... just a few minutes ago, a facebook friend, sent me an email, of that cookbook, she has scanned and made the words back into an editable "Word" format, so I can change some recipes, add new ones, and get it all printed again. Or maybe sell online as a PDF.

This is one recipe, its just a fun one, that I thought some of my friends may get a smile from. Dona, would this be like the recipe you use for your cakes

1 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Baking Soda
4 large Eggs
lemon juice
1 cup Dried Fruit
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 cup butter
1 tsp salt
1 bottle Whisky

Sample the whisky to check for quality. Take a large bowl. Check
whisky again. Turn on electric mixer and beat 1 cup of butter until large and fluffy.
To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour a level cup of whisky and drink. Repeat.
Add a teasp sugar and beat again. Make sure whisky is still O'K cry another cup. Turn off beater. Break 2 leggs .
and add in the bowl and chuok in the dried fruit. Mix in the turning thing.
Check the whisky again. If the fruit gets stuck in the beateti deal to it with screwdriver.
Check the whishe again to check for tocsisticity.
Next, sift 2 cups of salt or something.
Check the whisy again. Now sift
the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one battlespoon of brown sugar or any kind of sugar you have. wix mell, Grease oven. turn cake
pan on to 350 gredees. Throw the bowl out the window

Check wishkey
and go to bled.

Gosh, I need proper glasses....
I just took a break from the computer for a couple of hours, and did so crocheting, it was fun to do it again, I haven't picked up a hook for 20 or 30 years... however, I avoid looking at anything close up, I have some cheap glasses from the $2 shop, the strongest ones they make, and generally just use them to read labels on products, or the odd bill that comes in the post.
I had to use glasses to see what I'm doing especially for a start with crocheting.... I have 4 sets of glasses, 3 have one arm missing, and 2 have a lens missing, none have everything they need.... About 20 minutes ago, I looked back at computer, my monitor is about a meter from my eyes, and I can barely see the words. Usually my eyes are ok, after the first hour or so when I wake up. OK, I have the text at 250% but I can read it generally.
But still now, I have area's on my screen that are so blurry, I have to move my head, so I can see the area with a different part of my eyes.....
I have always avoided getting glasses, my close vision has been bad for 7 or 8 years, heck I can't care for the $2 pairs, and just know I would lose, sit on or stand on a pair that costs $100 just as easily.

On the other hand, I can and do do without a lot of things in my life. My eyesight however, is not something I don't care to find out if i can live without.
I guess it will mean a trip to Tauranga to get my eyes tested. yuk.... but like it or lump it. I gotta do what I gotta do huh....

I have now separated all recipes from chapters into one recipe per post, please add your comments... if you cook any of the dishes, and take a photo of the result, feel free to add your photo, and please feel free to add your own recipes.

Friday 17 April 2015

WInnie the Pooh

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
True Story lol

Dyslexia explained perfectly
“My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Why Facebook was created
“And really, it wasn’t much good having anything exciting like floods, if you couldn’t share them with somebody.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Love this one....
“Hello, Rabbit,' he said, 'is that you?'
'Let's pretend it isn't,' said Rabbit, 'and see what happens.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Thursday 16 April 2015

Made $5 but Meet some great people

I sold a sample of my pain relief cream on trademe. I Made $5 on the sale... big deal huh....
So i jumped on my trusty steed, a mobility scooter, and set off down to the post office to post this tiny 10 grm pot of cream away to Hastings...
I had dropped a couple of test pots of pain relief cream off at the Dutch Cheese Shop earlier in the week, Leo the owner, had a couple of friends he wanted to try the cream... so I popped in to drop off a couple of business cards and a list of ingredients, to go with the test pots, and Leo Offered to sell the cream for me through his shop...
Then I tootled off past the community center, still heading for the post office, and saw another woman I had given a test pot of cream to awhile back, she wanted a big pot. She also told me about a new business in town, that did acupuncture and deep tissue massage therapy...

I went in and saw the business owner, a lovely guy, and good prices, will go back to him next week...
Trundling along on the mobility scooter, I saw another woman on her scooter coming towards me. We stopped and talked about how great the scooters were in town, and then talked about other things, she had a Lions Club name tag on, so Maree she and I are going to work on that seating for less abled walkers on the mine rim walkway, I was telling you about, and you suggested the Lions... neat huh

She also has a book I have been wanting to look at, which she is happy to loan me, she has comfrey growing wild in her back garden, which she said I'm welcome to come pick, she makes kawakawa oil, and is going to teach me about the plant... and has taken some of my comfrey pain cream to try on her aches and pains, we were destined to meet...

Got to the post office, bagged up the $5 test pot of cream, and an old guy in front of me in the line to pay for bag, started talking what a big bag for a tiny thing. We ended up sitting outside of the post office, and I put some cream on his terribly sore arthritic hands, and kept chatting about Waihi, and what a cracker of a wee town it is, lovely people... next thing, I could see in his face the pain was less, I asked him how his hands were, he moved his hands, and his eyes shot down to look at his hands, he couldn't believe they weren't hurting.

The look of pure joy on his face when he looked up, and he wiggled his fingers like a little kid, said he wanted the cream, but would need to wait for a couple of weeks, till next pay. I gave him the container I had taken the sample out of, and my last businesscard i had on me.
Payment for my cream comes in many forms, and him moving his painfree hands was payment enough, I won't forget that for a long while.

So I only made $5 today, but gee I met some great people, and had a lovely few hours in town.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Feeling sick

I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot .. and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why... I succeed.” Micheal Jordan

Holy hell, my mouth is on fire, note to self, never ever bite your fingernails after chopping up chilli...
but I'm so grateful I didn't get an itchy eye in the past hour or so since I chopped them, man alive these suckers are hot, they were only tiny ones i picked, I thought those mothers were tiny cause they hadn't grown yet, not cause that was their full size.... heck, I always reckon I'm on old dragon, now I'm sure i could breath fire.

"Now is the moment that never ends".
by someone else.

I'm really feeling sorry for myself now.
This bloody cough is getting has upped the anti now.
After a night where I hardly slept, and several coughing fits today, I now have hernia's at the top and bottom of my stomach, and either one or other are popping out, every few lots of coughing, after some bad pain, I can get them back in, but those bastards are really bloody painful.
Bloody heck, I'm just hanging on, hoping the hernia's don't get any bigger. one the size of my little fingertip and the top one about the size of the thumb nail tip.
Think I will try to stay awake tonight, sitting up, that way I don't have to remember to hold my stomach after just waking up coughing....
Staying awake for a couple of days would have been not a worry just over a year ago. But I'm knackered from all this coughing.

So what happened...
. When I kissed a cop down on 34th and Vine....

Friday 10 April 2015

Raining cats and dogs

19:42 Its raining cats and dogs outside, I'm sitting into in shorts and T-shirt, just finished eating, some of the yummiest lamb broth, barley, carrot and leek soup. I got an unexpected $25 today, and got enough lamb neck chops, barley and soup mix, and some organic vege's to make up 2 great big old brews of soup (will be freezing about 10 or so servings).... and extra barley and soup mix for about 10 or so brews of soup. Still that doesn't explain the shorts and T-shirt bit.... I have the crockpot cooking the soup set up and cooking in the lounge, its heating the room up beautifully...

Saturday 4 April 2015

leaky taps. sleep, money and mo milk


Well darn, I just went to run the water for dishes, water was only lukewarm, then found the tap in the bathroom was running, thats the 3rd time that same tap has been left running, and I don't even use that sink to wash my hands, and don't use hot water when I do wash hands in summer...

last person here was 2 days ago, and haven't had any use for hot water since then, wash going to shower later, thats out.... that power bill is not going to be that cheap next month... will have to borrow some tools and take the top off tap, so no-one can use it, that will fix problem.


t'is almost 5.30 am, better get some sleep, not tired, but sleeping is what normal folk do at night I hear


ok Universe, I need $122.28 in my bank real bad.


YUMMY, heck, I just run out of milk again, and decided to try coconut cream in my coffee, geeze that stuff is DELICIOUS. I have been looking into cleaning up my diet, eating well, real whole food, and gut healing lately, but would have to stop fresh cows milk. But coconut cream could be the answer, I'm just using cheap Pam's brand coconut milk, and I know its probably the worst kind, but I can't let the fact I can't afford to eat healthy, stop me from changing what I can