Thursday 16 April 2015

Made $5 but Meet some great people

I sold a sample of my pain relief cream on trademe. I Made $5 on the sale... big deal huh....
So i jumped on my trusty steed, a mobility scooter, and set off down to the post office to post this tiny 10 grm pot of cream away to Hastings...
I had dropped a couple of test pots of pain relief cream off at the Dutch Cheese Shop earlier in the week, Leo the owner, had a couple of friends he wanted to try the cream... so I popped in to drop off a couple of business cards and a list of ingredients, to go with the test pots, and Leo Offered to sell the cream for me through his shop...
Then I tootled off past the community center, still heading for the post office, and saw another woman I had given a test pot of cream to awhile back, she wanted a big pot. She also told me about a new business in town, that did acupuncture and deep tissue massage therapy...

I went in and saw the business owner, a lovely guy, and good prices, will go back to him next week...
Trundling along on the mobility scooter, I saw another woman on her scooter coming towards me. We stopped and talked about how great the scooters were in town, and then talked about other things, she had a Lions Club name tag on, so Maree she and I are going to work on that seating for less abled walkers on the mine rim walkway, I was telling you about, and you suggested the Lions... neat huh

She also has a book I have been wanting to look at, which she is happy to loan me, she has comfrey growing wild in her back garden, which she said I'm welcome to come pick, she makes kawakawa oil, and is going to teach me about the plant... and has taken some of my comfrey pain cream to try on her aches and pains, we were destined to meet...

Got to the post office, bagged up the $5 test pot of cream, and an old guy in front of me in the line to pay for bag, started talking what a big bag for a tiny thing. We ended up sitting outside of the post office, and I put some cream on his terribly sore arthritic hands, and kept chatting about Waihi, and what a cracker of a wee town it is, lovely people... next thing, I could see in his face the pain was less, I asked him how his hands were, he moved his hands, and his eyes shot down to look at his hands, he couldn't believe they weren't hurting.

The look of pure joy on his face when he looked up, and he wiggled his fingers like a little kid, said he wanted the cream, but would need to wait for a couple of weeks, till next pay. I gave him the container I had taken the sample out of, and my last businesscard i had on me.
Payment for my cream comes in many forms, and him moving his painfree hands was payment enough, I won't forget that for a long while.

So I only made $5 today, but gee I met some great people, and had a lovely few hours in town.

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