Saturday 4 April 2015

leaky taps. sleep, money and mo milk


Well darn, I just went to run the water for dishes, water was only lukewarm, then found the tap in the bathroom was running, thats the 3rd time that same tap has been left running, and I don't even use that sink to wash my hands, and don't use hot water when I do wash hands in summer...

last person here was 2 days ago, and haven't had any use for hot water since then, wash going to shower later, thats out.... that power bill is not going to be that cheap next month... will have to borrow some tools and take the top off tap, so no-one can use it, that will fix problem.


t'is almost 5.30 am, better get some sleep, not tired, but sleeping is what normal folk do at night I hear


ok Universe, I need $122.28 in my bank real bad.


YUMMY, heck, I just run out of milk again, and decided to try coconut cream in my coffee, geeze that stuff is DELICIOUS. I have been looking into cleaning up my diet, eating well, real whole food, and gut healing lately, but would have to stop fresh cows milk. But coconut cream could be the answer, I'm just using cheap Pam's brand coconut milk, and I know its probably the worst kind, but I can't let the fact I can't afford to eat healthy, stop me from changing what I can

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