Saturday 18 April 2015

Recipe Book

Oh boy, I'm so excited..... The very first thing I did on a computer, back in about 95 or 96 was write a cookbook.... it was for people that lived on low food budgets..... just a few minutes ago, a facebook friend, sent me an email, of that cookbook, she has scanned and made the words back into an editable "Word" format, so I can change some recipes, add new ones, and get it all printed again. Or maybe sell online as a PDF.

This is one recipe, its just a fun one, that I thought some of my friends may get a smile from. Dona, would this be like the recipe you use for your cakes

1 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Baking Soda
4 large Eggs
lemon juice
1 cup Dried Fruit
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 cup butter
1 tsp salt
1 bottle Whisky

Sample the whisky to check for quality. Take a large bowl. Check
whisky again. Turn on electric mixer and beat 1 cup of butter until large and fluffy.
To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour a level cup of whisky and drink. Repeat.
Add a teasp sugar and beat again. Make sure whisky is still O'K cry another cup. Turn off beater. Break 2 leggs .
and add in the bowl and chuok in the dried fruit. Mix in the turning thing.
Check the whisky again. If the fruit gets stuck in the beateti deal to it with screwdriver.
Check the whishe again to check for tocsisticity.
Next, sift 2 cups of salt or something.
Check the whisy again. Now sift
the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one battlespoon of brown sugar or any kind of sugar you have. wix mell, Grease oven. turn cake
pan on to 350 gredees. Throw the bowl out the window

Check wishkey
and go to bled.

Gosh, I need proper glasses....
I just took a break from the computer for a couple of hours, and did so crocheting, it was fun to do it again, I haven't picked up a hook for 20 or 30 years... however, I avoid looking at anything close up, I have some cheap glasses from the $2 shop, the strongest ones they make, and generally just use them to read labels on products, or the odd bill that comes in the post.
I had to use glasses to see what I'm doing especially for a start with crocheting.... I have 4 sets of glasses, 3 have one arm missing, and 2 have a lens missing, none have everything they need.... About 20 minutes ago, I looked back at computer, my monitor is about a meter from my eyes, and I can barely see the words. Usually my eyes are ok, after the first hour or so when I wake up. OK, I have the text at 250% but I can read it generally.
But still now, I have area's on my screen that are so blurry, I have to move my head, so I can see the area with a different part of my eyes.....
I have always avoided getting glasses, my close vision has been bad for 7 or 8 years, heck I can't care for the $2 pairs, and just know I would lose, sit on or stand on a pair that costs $100 just as easily.

On the other hand, I can and do do without a lot of things in my life. My eyesight however, is not something I don't care to find out if i can live without.
I guess it will mean a trip to Tauranga to get my eyes tested. yuk.... but like it or lump it. I gotta do what I gotta do huh....

I have now separated all recipes from chapters into one recipe per post, please add your comments... if you cook any of the dishes, and take a photo of the result, feel free to add your photo, and please feel free to add your own recipes.

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