Sunday 31 May 2015


After talking to a friend last night, I'm going to spend a month or so on Stewart Island. Probably in Spring or next Autumn, I reckon i would fit right in....

I will also do the other two parts of NZ I haven't done, Northland, and i am going down to the Naki, and see that mountain up close and personal..... would fit right in....

oh, I'm going to have to remove myself from some of the fermenting groups I belong to, so many foods that can be fermented, and just not enough time in the day to read about them all, let alone jars to ferment in, ... would fit right in....

The latest things are gingerbeer.... I already have a plant using powdered ginger, now I see one using fresh ginger, Then there is, turmeric fermented health drink, that would be a great one for pain (and only ferments for 24 hours... would fit right in....

and Kimchi, and sourdough bread using kombucha, fermented vegetables, water kefir, milk kefir, lactose ferments, homemade lemonade... oh the list goes on and on would fit right in....

20:23 those people in life you don't like for a start, that you end up liking, are generally the best people.... "Hope" is the bastard son of "Try" 19:19 Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!

Friday 22 May 2015

Making Kombucha

"The conscious mind is the least informed and the last to know" by someone famous.

 I made up another lot of Kombucha last night and tonight, I have big thick scoby's everywhere, and about 30 used teabags ready for the chooks tomorrow.

Since I have loads of scobies now, can't believe how quickly they multiplied, anyway, since I have heaps, I have a bottle with just spare scoby's in case someone wants any... and have started to experiment making all an sundry concoctions.

I also broke a scoby into small pieces, and added it to a brew, just to see if it takes longer or the same to finish brewing...

I've had a couple of brews using a smoky tasting tea, I don't think much of the resulting Kombucha, although it might be alright if I flavour it with the same spices as I would use for chai tea... sort of a savory drink just for something different.

I have a couple of plastic lemonade bottles, I will use as "bloody awful, can't fix it" Kombucha, I'll leave an old scoby in there, and let it brew right on until it is vinegar, and will use it for cleaner, I cleaned the stove top really nicely last week with some booch that I spilt.... so I might end up with a chai tea cleaning vinegar yet lol....

Drinking Kombucha is really helping with all sorts of physical ailments, things I don't think about generally... like hair has stopped falling out, and is turning back to grey rather than white. brilliant for reflux, and making sweet foods, and anything with milk not as nice as it was, I'm drinking about a 1/3 of the milk, I was drinking a month ago. Best of all though, its keeping me sane at this difficult time, its sure hitting my depression for a sixer, hitting it right out of the playing field... I can be feeling quite down first thing in the morning, drink about 1/2 glass first thing in morning, and depression lifts within 30 minutes.

That suits me lol... and no nasty side effects, smile emoticon This stuff needs to be made commercially, have thought how a milk tank from a dairy farm would work well... even entertained the idea, since most farms around here are drying off their herds for winter, of getting a farmer to let me use their tank lol.... but still why stop there, a milk tanker truck would be the go, I don't remember how many thousand litres a truck ad trailer hold, but could make a massive brew of Kombucha in one of those.... me and my hairbrained schemes lmao....

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Coloured Capsicum

you know those hours between when you have taken something out of the oven until its cool enough to eat.... well it can seem like hours, when you are really hungry....
I have just eaten red, yellow and orange capsicum (bell peppers) stuffed with couscous, bacon, onion and some herbs, wow, they were so good.
I don't know what it is, but food seems to be tasting so much nicer in the past couple of weeks. Anyway, I'm happiness filled, and still have the other halves of eat coloured capsicum for dinner tomorrow... I really do have to start eating at a reasonable hour just after midnight, is a little late for dinner huh.

Gosh I'm a good cook... lol

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Feeling Grateful

Sitting here feeling content. Realised I have eaten tonight so cooked and ate Eggs from my hens, Spinach from my garden, and an apple I was given as a gift.
This house is pretty cold, drafty, however its a heck a lot better than sleeping in a car or cardboard box, like some have to, and my bed is toasty pie warm.... so I'm a pretty bloody lucky woman, I'd say


I'm a thrilled camper, when down town this morning, and scored a pair of purple slippers from the 2nd hand shop, they fit perfectly....
don't think they have been worn... cost $2.50 instead of the $5 they were marked at....
Its been many years since I have had slippers, so I thrilled...

Saturday 9 May 2015

Got my chookies and stroke 4 years ago

I have been given 4 laying hens, earlier in the week, and got another 4 eggs today. Yahhh I love my hens.. (Chooks) they love me and reward me with at least 3 eggs a day... I gave 6 away the other day to my fisherman neighbour, and got a fillet of Salmon, I have 7 eggs again now, so will give 6 to my front neighbour, and eat the last one for dinner...

Nothing like eating an egg that is less than a few hours from being laid. Lovely dark yolks, and I know exactly what they have eaten, so know my eggs are healthy as well...

Oh, i just thought, I was reading about putting an egg in kombucha and letting it dissolve the shell, to add calcium to the kombucha. I will try that with an egg tomorrow

Om my goodness, I'm just drinking kombucha with second ferment with kiwifruit.... YUMMY, its so neat to drink something so good that is also so good for you.

I was reading last night, if you alcohol and make a cocktail with kombucha, the damage alcohol does to your liver, is offset by the healing properties of this drink.... I'm going to take some to a friend that has a still, see what he thinks of the mix, maybe he could make a healthy vodka

I just realised today is the anniversary of my stoke, 4 years ago today.... heck I have come a LONG way back since then. I have a special empathy for folks that have had a stroke, something I would never have known, if I never had a stroke, I always used to think that a stroke was only about movement and speech loss, and once there were back, your life would be back to normal.... That stroke taught me a lot that's for sure....

Friday 8 May 2015

Kill Bill whistling song

Wow, I feel like I'm a millionaire, I just had brunch, and it was a great big thick slice of Salmon.
I got some chooks during the week, and gave my neighbour thats a fisherman, 6 fresh (1 day old) eggs this morning, he came back over with this salmon steak. (I was on the winning end of that deal)

I've only had salmon fillet a couple of times in my life, and wasn't very impressed with it, I didn't have a clue how to cook it, I just added a wee bit of salt, and whatever I did, lightly fried, and let it stand, produced a taste sensation.

I just went over to thank my neighbour, and heard the story of how he come to have it, and how fresh it was, I guess I have not eaten really fresh salmon before, cause it can't have been my cooking, that was just too easy.... so delicious

Going to go out for a ride on my mobility scooter, just as something to do since its a lovely sunny day. I'm going to get one of those movie camera that straps on your head, someone suggested I get one awhile back.... record the people I meet and the mischief I get upto on my travels


Kill Bill Vol. 1 - The whistle song.
lol, I REALLY have to start behaving myself....
I am teaching myself to whistle, and the only whistling song I know is the one from Kill Bill....

So imagine this, you are gardening, down on your hands and knees, pulling weeds, mind your own businesses.
You hear someone whistling coming closer and closer.... you recognise the song, that spooky song from Kill Bill....
the whistling gets louder and loud, just like the song.... next thing its at the end of your driveway, you look out from behind bushes, and there is this old tart, whistling.... driving her mobility scooter.... lol

Sunday 3 May 2015

ACC Again

Darn, I should change my profile picture, since its been this one, I have all these friend requests from guys all over the world, between 2 and 6 guys A DAY, the one just now, must have been all of 20, lol..... darn don't they even click through to my page, and see I'm just an old tart.... funny, I never used to get friend requests when I had a pig as a profile picture, yah have to wonder why that was huh...

ok, I did all the dishes, so that ensures I won't have visitors, until the bench s a shambles again, so if i don't cook i should be good to go.
I'm in for a rough week this week, ACC reckon they will give a decision by the end this week.... I started this process 3 years ago, its been a hell of a long haul, its either going to be great news, or crap, but hey, we are talking about Accident Compensation here, they aren't known for great news, like I've never heard "Awesome and ACC" or "Bloody Great and ACC" in the same sentence, pretty sure the best I've heard was "Good to me, and ACC"

Anyway, I'm going offline, or off facebook, for the most part, so I'll catch up with y'all the other side, when I know whats what

Saturday 2 May 2015

Chai and Not humble

"If you are on noone's watch list, you should be ashamed of yourself"

My Indian neighbour is getting me be their sober driver, and making me Chai when we get home, as a thank you. I'm developing quite a taste for it, but what to do, once they have gone to bed for the night..... it just occured to me the Five Spice, smells a bit like Chai, so just made some of my own recipe of chai, chinese five spice, and cinnamon, its not too bad at all, I've never made it before, and just had to google a few recipes, seems I also need cardamom pods, but otherwise, I have the basics.... pretty pleased with myself...

I just tasted the beef bone stock I'm cooking, holy hell I'm a fantastic cook, its tastes so darn good, exit stage left humming "Oh lord its hard to be humble.... "

Friday 1 May 2015

glasses, coloured wool and soup

Ok, so I went to the $2 shop today, and brought a couple pair of cheap glasses, I just remembered them, 12.05am and wandered out to the kitchen cupboard with my new glasses, to read the recipe on the side of a packet of packet of rice.... I needed mustard for the recipe, picked up the tin of dry mustard powder, opened lid to see how much was in there, it had like a spider web over one corner, and all inside the top of container... while flicking that web out, saw this little white caterpillar... ewww.... looked in rolled oats, same spider or caterpillar web in there, and the bloody rice as well, and the...
never mind, lots of stuff has wriggly things in it...
moral of story, never wear your glasses when looking in the food cupboard, the recipe didn't sound very good anyway, and if i hadn't seen these wrigglies everwhere,
I would never have known, and would have just wondered what that odd taste was every now and then

Darn I come up with some hairbrained schemes at times.
I have just opened a parcel I got on about Monday, its a sheep's fleece from a coloured sheep, lovely colours and about 8 or so kg's i think, but I'm buggered if i can remember what I wanted it for now....
The lounge is smelling very sheepy right now.... how the hell am I going to wash this fleece, and what on earth did I order it for 6 months ago .....

I have a big pot of beef bones slowly simmering on the stove, making beef broth, they have been cooking about 6 hours already, and should be ready for adding vege's by tomorrow lunchtime-ish dunno may do them 24 hours, so before I get into any more mischief or strife I better hit the hay, night folks.