Friday 1 May 2015

glasses, coloured wool and soup

Ok, so I went to the $2 shop today, and brought a couple pair of cheap glasses, I just remembered them, 12.05am and wandered out to the kitchen cupboard with my new glasses, to read the recipe on the side of a packet of packet of rice.... I needed mustard for the recipe, picked up the tin of dry mustard powder, opened lid to see how much was in there, it had like a spider web over one corner, and all inside the top of container... while flicking that web out, saw this little white caterpillar... ewww.... looked in rolled oats, same spider or caterpillar web in there, and the bloody rice as well, and the...
never mind, lots of stuff has wriggly things in it...
moral of story, never wear your glasses when looking in the food cupboard, the recipe didn't sound very good anyway, and if i hadn't seen these wrigglies everwhere,
I would never have known, and would have just wondered what that odd taste was every now and then

Darn I come up with some hairbrained schemes at times.
I have just opened a parcel I got on about Monday, its a sheep's fleece from a coloured sheep, lovely colours and about 8 or so kg's i think, but I'm buggered if i can remember what I wanted it for now....
The lounge is smelling very sheepy right now.... how the hell am I going to wash this fleece, and what on earth did I order it for 6 months ago .....

I have a big pot of beef bones slowly simmering on the stove, making beef broth, they have been cooking about 6 hours already, and should be ready for adding vege's by tomorrow lunchtime-ish dunno may do them 24 hours, so before I get into any more mischief or strife I better hit the hay, night folks.

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