Friday 8 May 2015

Kill Bill whistling song

Wow, I feel like I'm a millionaire, I just had brunch, and it was a great big thick slice of Salmon.
I got some chooks during the week, and gave my neighbour thats a fisherman, 6 fresh (1 day old) eggs this morning, he came back over with this salmon steak. (I was on the winning end of that deal)

I've only had salmon fillet a couple of times in my life, and wasn't very impressed with it, I didn't have a clue how to cook it, I just added a wee bit of salt, and whatever I did, lightly fried, and let it stand, produced a taste sensation.

I just went over to thank my neighbour, and heard the story of how he come to have it, and how fresh it was, I guess I have not eaten really fresh salmon before, cause it can't have been my cooking, that was just too easy.... so delicious

Going to go out for a ride on my mobility scooter, just as something to do since its a lovely sunny day. I'm going to get one of those movie camera that straps on your head, someone suggested I get one awhile back.... record the people I meet and the mischief I get upto on my travels


Kill Bill Vol. 1 - The whistle song.
lol, I REALLY have to start behaving myself....
I am teaching myself to whistle, and the only whistling song I know is the one from Kill Bill....

So imagine this, you are gardening, down on your hands and knees, pulling weeds, mind your own businesses.
You hear someone whistling coming closer and closer.... you recognise the song, that spooky song from Kill Bill....
the whistling gets louder and loud, just like the song.... next thing its at the end of your driveway, you look out from behind bushes, and there is this old tart, whistling.... driving her mobility scooter.... lol

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