Saturday 9 May 2015

Got my chookies and stroke 4 years ago

I have been given 4 laying hens, earlier in the week, and got another 4 eggs today. Yahhh I love my hens.. (Chooks) they love me and reward me with at least 3 eggs a day... I gave 6 away the other day to my fisherman neighbour, and got a fillet of Salmon, I have 7 eggs again now, so will give 6 to my front neighbour, and eat the last one for dinner...

Nothing like eating an egg that is less than a few hours from being laid. Lovely dark yolks, and I know exactly what they have eaten, so know my eggs are healthy as well...

Oh, i just thought, I was reading about putting an egg in kombucha and letting it dissolve the shell, to add calcium to the kombucha. I will try that with an egg tomorrow

Om my goodness, I'm just drinking kombucha with second ferment with kiwifruit.... YUMMY, its so neat to drink something so good that is also so good for you.

I was reading last night, if you alcohol and make a cocktail with kombucha, the damage alcohol does to your liver, is offset by the healing properties of this drink.... I'm going to take some to a friend that has a still, see what he thinks of the mix, maybe he could make a healthy vodka

I just realised today is the anniversary of my stoke, 4 years ago today.... heck I have come a LONG way back since then. I have a special empathy for folks that have had a stroke, something I would never have known, if I never had a stroke, I always used to think that a stroke was only about movement and speech loss, and once there were back, your life would be back to normal.... That stroke taught me a lot that's for sure....

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