Sunday 3 May 2015

ACC Again

Darn, I should change my profile picture, since its been this one, I have all these friend requests from guys all over the world, between 2 and 6 guys A DAY, the one just now, must have been all of 20, lol..... darn don't they even click through to my page, and see I'm just an old tart.... funny, I never used to get friend requests when I had a pig as a profile picture, yah have to wonder why that was huh...

ok, I did all the dishes, so that ensures I won't have visitors, until the bench s a shambles again, so if i don't cook i should be good to go.
I'm in for a rough week this week, ACC reckon they will give a decision by the end this week.... I started this process 3 years ago, its been a hell of a long haul, its either going to be great news, or crap, but hey, we are talking about Accident Compensation here, they aren't known for great news, like I've never heard "Awesome and ACC" or "Bloody Great and ACC" in the same sentence, pretty sure the best I've heard was "Good to me, and ACC"

Anyway, I'm going offline, or off facebook, for the most part, so I'll catch up with y'all the other side, when I know whats what

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