Saturday 2 May 2015

Chai and Not humble

"If you are on noone's watch list, you should be ashamed of yourself"

My Indian neighbour is getting me be their sober driver, and making me Chai when we get home, as a thank you. I'm developing quite a taste for it, but what to do, once they have gone to bed for the night..... it just occured to me the Five Spice, smells a bit like Chai, so just made some of my own recipe of chai, chinese five spice, and cinnamon, its not too bad at all, I've never made it before, and just had to google a few recipes, seems I also need cardamom pods, but otherwise, I have the basics.... pretty pleased with myself...

I just tasted the beef bone stock I'm cooking, holy hell I'm a fantastic cook, its tastes so darn good, exit stage left humming "Oh lord its hard to be humble.... "

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