Sunday 22 March 2015

Fermented Birthday

I'm really getting into making vinegar, its fun, and the ones I'm making for eating, they are tasting really good already, and they still have 2 or 3 weeks to go before bottling.
I started Apple Cider Vinegar about 3 or 4 days ago, and its 1st fermenting is bubbling away beautifully already. I might have to take the sheets etc out of the hot water cupboard so I have more room for more vinegar brews lol...
So far I'm making lemon, plum and blueberry, blackcurrent, apple, and about to start another one for cleaning, just using sugar, and one using molasses.... I'll taste that one when its done, to see if I'll use it for cleaning or eating. I'd really like to have a go with kiwifruit and also feijoas when they are ready.
I really wish I could get a big bag of carrots from ohakune, I've never heard of carrot vinegar, but it would be a pretty colour lol. The hardest part about making it, is not sampling it too much while its doing the second ferment lol.... it is interesting tasting the alcohol change to vinegar, it happens quite quickly, I thought it would take months... I would guess that once the second ferment is done, and it bottled and capped that it would improve with age, sort of like wine.

The first ferment turns the sugars in the mixture into alcohol, and the hotwater cupboard is smelling very much like the old days when I had the stills, and making whisky and bourbon etc...
then the second fermenting then changes the alcohol into acetic acid the main part of vinegar, I think I have that right

Since facebook won't tell you,

its my birthday today... yes i'm an Aries... that accounts for a lot huh lol

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