Wednesday 4 March 2015

Power is back on

I'm Baccckkkkk....
after 5pm
Got everything sorted, and had to go with an internet provider that I didn't want to use, but hell, they gave me a modem, in return for 1 year contact... still I'm back, and have some catching up to do....

The flat is very nice, I have lovely neighbours, actually only one neighbour is home lol, quiet neighbourhood, can have my talking books playing all night, and I'm not annoy anyone, no nightmares at all last two night, and asleep by 11pm, ok, the 11pm thing probably had to do with no internet, but talking books definitely help me to sleep, even though the story at the moment is Death Masks by Jim Butcher, not really sleeping time of story for most people.

Cooked a lovely Indian flavoured soup last night, froze most of it, so have plenty for another day.

I got labels printed today, so can get sales for pain relief cream happening again. This flat is very small, but suits me well, I'll miss the chooks, and the fish, wild rabbits on the next door neighbor's lawn at twilight which are nice to watch. there is a garden outside, that with a bit of work, I should be able to grow a few veges and herbs, when I buy some seeds. All in good time...

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