Thursday 12 March 2015

There was this old tart from Waihi

There was this old tart from Waihi, (named lynny)
who made this pain relief cream,
decided that tonight was the night,
to make up a good stock of cream...

first batch went well, 24 pots,
started counting chickens
when that lot was sold,
she thought,
her wee business would be out of debt...

second batch of cream when well another 25 pots,
when they sell she thought, I will actually be able to keep most of the money...
she mused, delighted at the thought...

on a roll ...
she decided to do a bigger batch,
rather than 2 usual sized batches.
should make 30, 35 maybe 40 pots she knew.
heated the oil in crockpot,
added the wax to thicken it,
take off the heat,
added different oils and other ingredients,
turned off the heat while
she did the dishers and
set out the pots to be filled on bench
right she though, lets go...
but alas
it cooled down a little too much
so since she doesn't have
a working powerpoint in kitchen,
lifted the crockpot full of oils and wax
into lounge to plug in...
very heavy to carry she thought,
everything was now the right heat,
so picked up crockpot,
carried back in the kitchen,
over the carpet in lounge,
getting heaver...
over to the sink and bench area in kitchen.
getting really really heavy now....
nearly there... nearly there..
Oh Shit!!!
tripped over cat from next door..
about 2 litres of waxy oil on floor
and cupboards under sink,
about 3 litres in sink...


better clean floor before I slip...
forgetting waxy oil in sink
with no plug,
waxy oil thats hardening
while wiping up floor,

stood up to rinse cloth....

oh geezes wept
thick greasy sludge in sink and down drain...
Quick she though
grab the baking soda and vinegar
turned around and slipped on floor...

in another pool of waxy oil she missed...
nothing else to do but laff,
a crazy old tart roaring with crazy laffter
ringing out in the still of the night....
Moral of story...
don't count chickens before they have hatched....
that profit will probably be spent on paying a plumber to unblock drains....

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