Saturday 14 March 2015

Weird Phone Call

I just had an odd phonecall, the more I think about it the odder it is...

first i thought if was someone pulling my leg, but... anyway this is how it went...

A well spoken guy with American accent, said he wants to do a story on me... thinking yeah right, and do you have an uncle that just died in Africa leaving billions of $$, but I was lonely for human voice, so kept talking... I asked him what particular thing the story was about, he said everything... we'd start with the pain cream and work back...I thought ok, you are paying for this call, i'll play along.... btw, this call was obviously from overseas, you know how calls can be echoy or slightly delayed...

this is where is started to get weird, he started listing things that have been happening in my life, backwards,

you all know i talk about most everything i do in real life here in facebook, well this guy, said his name was Robert, and he was going on and on about things that I have written about, he was back to what would have been at least 18 months ago, when I fell in the kitchen in Chch hurt my ankle, and the neighbours boys climbed though the window, when i said stop.

Heck, thats a hell of a long way back down my facebook wall, to find that info, I asked him if he was a friend of a friend or contacted on facebook, and he said no, but he could read my posts, and had been for some time. Gawd love-a-duck I'm gulliable, I just accepted what he said, and keep on talking about some of the weird and wonderful posts I'd made and antics I've got upto. Many things I had forgotten about, especially when he talked about the time I was talking the prescription meds.

Then it occurred to me, that the phone number he had used has only been on about 10 days, its not listed, I wouldn't share it publicly on facebook, and have only given it to 2 or 3 friends in private messaging... I cut the call short, and have been thinking about it for about an hour now...

Don't get me wrong, I don't for a minute believe the "Do a story about me" thats a Tui Yeah Right moment.... my gut feeling is more "Well Spoken, Fairly Intelligent, clever sense of humour... Well Travelled, Dog Lover, Californian Accent, Stalker Weirdo" would be closer to the mark... lol....

but still thats a heck of a lot of clicks to go back 18 months or 2 years ago at least, not like i'm the quiet type, who doesn't post much. I doubt I will hear from him again, and I'm big enough and ugly enough to deal with whatever, but it brings home to me, how young folk got get caught up in this weird stuff so easy.

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