Wednesday 11 March 2015

Trip to Tauranga

Note to self... Next time you try to top up your phone minutes online, wear your bloody glasses, I just did it, and typo'ed the last number a 3 instead of 4, so did it again, and now the bank won't honour the payment on credit card... grrr

Later that day I went to Tauranga today to drop someone off, came home alone, and cried most of the way.
A lot of nasty things happened there when I was 13-15 years old, I didn't like going back 25 years later and living there when Kym and I moved there, but got used to it, because she loved it so much, now it has all the old memories, and all the memories of Kym are everywhere.

Pity memories can't be deleted as easy as something on a computer.

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