Tuesday 24 March 2015

Legally Growing Cannabis

Yes, this is Legal lol.... Oh how time flies. Facebook just showed me, I uploaded this photo of Cannabis drying 4 years ago today.... in San Diego, California.

I can tell you, I was one very very happy camper 4 years ago today. This is the main tips of 6 plants grown in our bedroom. I was so proud I had grown these totally legally.

Funny thing was, I have never liked smoking cannabis, and only grew it, because it was legal to grow, I wanted to be able to tell folks back in NZ that I had grown there lol.

If you had a medical marijuana license you could have 6 adults place, and 6 plants ready to go under the 12/12 flowering lights,
I made a heap of tincture from this 1st grow, and with that tincture, made the 1st version of the pain relief cream. Oh the memories. Probably the most fun thing Kym and I did together.

Its been raining here for days now, sometimes very heavy, and other times just enough to get me wet if I go outside, and everything in between. There are big puddles everywhere.

I have a wee garden along the front wall of the flat, I'm growing a few herbs and greens... my kitchen garden smile emoticon I just went out to see how things are growing, and with all the rain we've had, that garden is dry as a bone.... I'll have to get a couple of 2ltr milk containers, and tramp from the kitchen outside, and give the garden a water, such a shame it couldn't have been rain water.

Lynda if you happen to come across some old hose I could use for a watering system, bury it, and hook a hose onto it once a week, or spouting, could you put it aside for me please

I have been given 4 more choko's.... well 5, but met someone on the way home, that said they liked them too, so gave them one.... I know exactly what I want to do with these ones, 2 will be grated into a soup I made thats a bit salty, yummy, bacon hock, split pea, carrot and choko soup.... will a an old favourite recipe in no time

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