Friday 13 March 2015

13th March

2.25 am, and I'm roasting kamo kamo in oven with tomatoes and homegrown onions oregano and mustard seeds... almost ready... smells divine . just as well i don't have a camera, you would be drooling if you know what I'm talking about.... still got one bag of grapes left Margaret but just had to have kamo kamo

11:30 I just learn something new.... ants taste bitter or sour....

if you ever find yourself wondering what and ant tastes like, don't bother trying, they are bad. lol...

I was given a bunches of grapes, i was eating them while scrolling down faecbook, every now and again, I would get what I thought was a real nasty sour grape, but just thought, the other ones are so good, just "get over" the nasty one.... anyway, I put glasses on for something else, and noticed there were ants on grapes, and decided to taste an ant by itself, and yep, that was the taste, not like I chewed it or anything, just licked it one off my finger.... then spat it out. it was really horrible...

I consider myself pretty lucky to get to 52 without knowing what they tasted like, now must get some icing sugar, so I can make safe antkiller... with glasses on, I can see there's quite a lot of ants crawling around inside at this new flat lol 19:44

The hotwater cylinder cupboard at this new flat, is a good size and very very warm, so I have all sorts of things in bottles brewing/fermenting in there... making vinegar.... I tasted my first brew i started at the place i used to live, its plum and blueberry vinegar.... oh gosh, that stuff is REALLY nice.... so all enthusiastic I got a big brew of vinegar brewing....

I just went out and opened the door of the cupboard and was nearly bowled over with the smell of the fermentation, man, did it bring back memories of the old days when I had a still, and used to make whiskey, bourbon, gin, you name an alcohol, I made it. Used to make a lovely sambuca... funny cause i don't like drinking, but loved making the stuff.

I've been reading about making vinegar recently, and watched a video about making pineapple wine, I think now I'm reasonably healthy, I might get into making some more of these fruit wines, heck I live near kiwifruit country now, the pickings going to be starting soon.... great thing about making wine, if you don't like it, its easy enough to make it into darn nice vinegar, and failing that, you can use vinegar for cleaning, win win...

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