Monday 26 October 2015

27th Oct. Daily Update

I got some unexpected money for my paincream today, so I went back down to the old folks that grow the seedlings today, and brought some beans, lettuces and a celery plant. Gosh they are a lovely couple. I always learn something about gardening I didn't know before.
I also dropped in and got a sack of maize, and and making up a special brew of food for the chooks, maize, dog bones, barley, pink salt, and simmer that for a few hours until the maize is cooked, and add some pasta and thicken it all up... I learnt yesterday that chooks actually need protein to lay eggs, it makes sense, but I had never thought about it before, although I do feed them meat and fish scraps occasionally...
I also learned today, that maggots are good source of protein for chooks, I called at the butcher on the way home, but the boss was busy, but I will see him another day, and ask him about scraps, from when they do a homekill.
The chooks live at the back of the section, so I should be able to grow them some maggots down there, as a special treat. I used to grow mealy grubs in Christchurch, they would also be a less smelly treat I could grow them.
I went to the doctor again today, came away from their pretty annoyed. Don't think I'll bother with the doctors again for a year or so.
I also had a nice visit with my friend from Waikino, and another friend came around this morning, and tidied the floor and vaccumed, so the house it looking ok'ish at the moment, its amazing how an untidy house can drag you down huh....
And lastly so far today, I got the ok from ACC, to start going to see a specialist in Tauranga.
I'm going over to Thames on Thursday, I haven't been there in... in... gosh, I guess its since I was a teenager, about 200 years ago. So looking forward to see how its changed.
The car I have had the use of for a few weeks is leaving tomorrow, I never had the money to put petrol in to go for a longer trip, just that once out to Waikino a few weeks back. But that car was lovely to have around just to nip into town to post cream away, go to the doctors, or to go do my groceries, hell I'm going to miss it, but owning an old car, is a pretty expensive business, with warrants, registration, insurance, let along the petrol. I once worked out, that it costs $100 a month, to just keep it in the garage, forget the petrol. to actually use it.
I also found a pot of cream I made about 6 months ago, it had a different way of thickening the oil instead of using wax, I was shocked to see it was still spreadable, it hadn't changed colour, grown anything it shouldn't, or anything and whats more it spread really nicely, and adsorbed much better that the wax mix.... I might be onto a new recipe here smile emoticon
I'm not going to say I'll have an early night tonight, it seems to hex me, but I'll stop writing for now

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