Friday 16 October 2015

New Neighbour and 6 Eggs.

I have a new neighbour, has been there about a month, I have seen her a few times out my kitchen window, but the few times our eyes have met, she'd look away, go inside and shut the door, I figured she didn't like this old tart next door, so I would make a point of not looking out my window if she was outside... no everyone has to like me huh... 

Anyway, yesterday, I had too many eggs, and thought, bugger it, I'll take 6 over, and give them too her. As, she thanked me, she turned and went inside, and shut the door... 
I came home, and thought about her, wondering about her story, but let it go. 

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door, this time she could talk, and we chatted for about 10 minutes, and again today for cuppa at her place, it turns out, I doubt I would ever meet anyone that is more like Me. 

She's interested in herbs, and making potions, does massage, ferments foods, loves growing food plants, is very artistic and crafty, jeeze she's even dyslexic.... and a couple of personal things I won't mention here, and she's also shy, turns out she has wanted to come over and say hi, but didn't know if I would think her weird.

Imagine that, Me, of all people, thinking anyone was weird, or that that was a negative thing, I love people that are different, the more eccentric the better.

So for the sake of 6 eggs, I have a neighbor, I can have over for a cuppa... cool huh....

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