Tuesday 27 October 2015

Chooks and food.

A couple of people have asked to see my chooks, so here is a photo, along with a better photo of their special food I cooked then last night, I was a little concerned the cooked maize was I bit big for them to swallow, but no problems with that when I feed them this morning. First the girls,  that white chair, I put in there, so they had something to play on, and there egg laying hutch, and where they go at night, is the square thing at the top of the top.
They are such polite girls, all saying thank you for there new food. I just went back to see them again now, with more food, they asked very nicely if I could add some molasses to the cook- up, I'm so pleased they mentioned that, cause I hadn't thought of molasses but that has a lot of minerals in it.

I'll add something to thicken it up too, that pot has enough for about a weeks morning feeds, I just remembered I was going to ferment some of it for them, so I will start the ferment with this lot I think, and cook another brew for tomorrow. I was just thinking how I could freeze feed of each brew, and feed it to them as a snack still frozen during the hot days of summer. Something that will take them awhile to eat, and cool them down.

I remember they used to give some animals at the San Diego zoo frozen treats like that.
So I can tell the girls they are getting a famous zoo treat, which of course will mean I have to explain what a zoo is.

I like telling them new things, and sometimes its difficult to think of what subject, they often get bored with my stories, if it doesn't relate directly to them in some way. Like yesterday I was telling them about the rabbits I watch, and one of them reminded me, how they had no idea what a rabbit was, so I had to come inside and get my phone, find a picture to show them, they had a good laugh about what it looked like.

In this brew I have cooked up, their is maize, I just brought a big sack of it yesterday, some dog bones, barley, Himalayan salt, lentils and some herbs I convinced the chooks was good for making them think clearer... it was a lie of course, but they swear its working for them, chooks are funny that way, the seem to believe most of what I tell them.

Once that had simmered for several hours, on a very low heat, I added just some kitchen scraps, some slices of cheese that had gone moldy, some butter that was past its best, apple cores, tea bags, an over ripe kiwifruit, a few bread crusts, and other bits and pieces.

 Can you tell I love my chooks.

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