Thursday 29 October 2015

As a new day starts

I've been going to bed about 10.30 the last couple of nights, so early for me, and waking up early too, 6.30 yesterday morning, not long after 5 this morning.... it was dark when I got up, so I say here, drinking a cuppa tea, watching the start of the day, not the sunrise, I'm not even sure which way the sun comes up, , I guess over Annies house I suppose. So no sunrise, just the sky getting lighter, listening to the birds singing their hearts out, they really are noisy buggers, they start singing while its still dark, but when you hear them, you know that the sky will be brightening up for the day with 10 or 15 minutes.
I didn't realise until listening this morning that there are actually 2 tui's here. I know about the one in a the cherry tree, down the back, but there's another one in the trees towards the gully.
The birdsong has quieten down now, but there is a blackbird sitting on the clothes like, tutting away, showing me his fanned our tail, and jumping from one line to the other, telling me how beautiful it is.... reminds me of a young guy, strutting its stuff, after he's had a few beers.
I actually don't know much about birds. just their names, I learned as a kid. But not what sound they make, I have never been that interested until now.
That black bird is now down on the lawn, along with a thrush, pulling worms out, , its been raining off and on during the night, so their must be loads of worms on the surface.
the thrush just spent quite a time pulling a worm out, and getting it in its beak, now its just flown away, I guess to feed its young.
They blackbird is up on the clothes line again, strutting his stuff again... he seems to think I'm most interesting in looking at his bum while it twerks, I must say I like it doing that, better than a human. Oh it has a worm, and its just taken off... I never thought about it until now, but its spring, of course there will be baby birds needing to be feed all over the show.
I just saw a rabbit over the gully, only one this morning, and its jumped out of sight now.
its pretty amazing how its so quite outside now, just a few birds, and a couple of magpies over the back.
The thrush is back, pulling a worm out of grass again.... but since I have been writing for 30 minutes, I need another cuppa, and the chooks will need a feed soon.... I brought them some special food yesterday. so will see what they think of some chook-chow along with some chooks maize.

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