Friday 23 October 2015

Friday Before Labour weekend.

I had a lovely day today, I did some bits and pieces outside, then I went to the community lunch, gosh there was a good crowd, with a lot of new faces, then this afternoon I went to a friends place and had a couple of coffees, came home and did some more work around the gardens, potted some plants etc.... 

I finished off making the yummiest pork hock soup, actually it is the best soup I have made since I left Christchurch. darn I'm a great cook.... 

I got my government benefit tonight, because there a holiday on Monday, so the cupboards have food, and I can have some money for the weekend lol, it'll be a longtime until the next pay, but I won't think about that now... 

And just before, a dear friend who is just back Vanuatu, called and invited me to go out to the local arts festival with her tomorrow, well the Waikino bit anyway. 

I know this is all simple stuff, but when you have been so ill for a couple of months, you can barely make it out of bed, and not terrible well for several months before then, the simple stuff is the best stuff. 

Since I never ended up sleeping last night, I'm going to have an early night.... after one more cuppa...

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