Monday 5 October 2015

A happy pain cream user

I had a phonecall from my oldest cream user, a lovely woman who lives in a resthouse over Coromandel way. She is now on her 3rd pot of cream, she has pain in her heels, that becomes very bothersome at night, and stops her from sleeping well. She told me how cream helps so much, and sometimes how it runs stops working during the night, so he gets a night nurse to come and apply more cream.
I suggested she use the patches I had sent, but she said no, she likes having the night staff putting the cream on.
She went on to say how lovely it was living in that home, it sounds like a lovely place, its so nice to hear of someone having a good experience in a retirement home. I'm going to have to get over and meet her one day. Maybe soon I'll have a car

I only need another 4 "Likes" to be upto 200

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